2016-11-24 04:55:58
At the moment we are merging servers that are experiencing a lot of problems with activity or servers that are unable to do events such as Sage World or GNW. So if your server is active and you are able to do GNW or any other event (you are able to kill Nine tails), most likely your server won't appear on our list.
Hello again,
Question, Wouldn't you want to start merging before things get out of hand and the problem gets worse and worse and becomes a fully dead server.
138 (My server) Has never been able to kill Nine tails, we recently have missed a Sage World and the ones we have been doing is small groups.
Three groups show up to GNW. One sends maybe 1-2 people or even none at all, and the other group has enough people to show up maybe six people tops.
So the server I am on is on the downward slope and so why not do preventative merging before things get really bad?
Also why are you unable to answer the questions? Why are we left in the dark