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[ News ] Server Merge for S56 and S72!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-23 02:40:39Show All Posts
Hi Mod team!!

I was wondering how things went with the server merge ? Were you able to successfully merge the two servers and now have the green light to go ahead with other server merges ?

Many thanks,
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-24 07:56:09Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-24 07:18:01
  • If you're picking servers like this (which are most likely newer servers), why are you still creating even newer servers? I feel the players in the middle might get the short end of the * here. While earlier servers (that opened when game was released) have more players and then now merging newer servers together because of no players (which is due to making like 5 new servers a week). Now the players in the middle of these servers will have to wait forever to see more players?

    The game is getting really boring with only have 3 groups on a server to do GNW. I feel this is the case for most servers in the middle too. Obviously even worse for the newer servers but us players in the middle have endured not killing ninetails for awhile until we leveled up to kill him. We have endured only 2-3 groups for GNW, 10-30 people for sage, waiting 35+ mins in arena, etc. This part of the game is ruining the fun parts of the game because you want to play with lots of players but its almost impossible with answers like this, making us think we will never see more people to play with.
Completely agree on this.

As a groupleader I've been able to keep people from leaving the game, by telling them the server merge could be coming any moment. I've had to break up my group in two, deal with a lot of * because of it, help facilitate group merges, deal with tons of drama, out of the 3 months our server is up we stopped recruiting for just over 2 months, to be able to barely keep S18 competitive. I'm sorry, but I hope you can imagine how Daiske's statement is infuriating A LOT OF P2P and F2P players.

If you are currently only looking at merging servers, for the lowest populated servers, you are in a way dealing with less than half of the problem. The devs are reactive instead of pro-active.

Devs, for a lot of players, the immediate server merge is the only thing that keeps them playing.

So please change your poorly chosen method of going about server merges, it's absolute ludacris.
This post was last edited by AKATSUKI_Kakashi at 2016-11-24 08:01
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-24 08:04:17Show All Posts
  • nh111 On 2016-11-24 07:56:24
  • Well this is going to be one of the few times I am going to stand by with the mods on this one.

    Nowhere did they say they were only going to merge one server and only one server. They could merge 3-4 servers together.

    If they merge 3-4 servers together I suppose we will see healthy competition and the like. So if they merge 3-4 servers into 3-4 servers that solves a lot of problems and then every month they merge they repeat the process every two weeks and that more or less solves the issue. They can make all the new servers while keeping people together.
Daiske: "At the moment we are merging servers that are experiencing a lot of problems with activity or servers that are unable to do events such as Sage World or GNW. So if your server is active and you are able to do GNW or any other event (you are able to kill Nine tails), most likely your server won't appear on our list." This post was last edited by AKATSUKI_Kakashi at 2016-11-24 08:05
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-24 09:10:52Show All Posts
The point isn't whether or not the server merges are coming, eventually all servers will be merged.

What's just very unexpected and highly questionable, is that there is a list made in terms of "priority", where they first merge servers who are close to dead. And thereby choosing to delay the server merges for the "mid servers", putting aside the vast majority of the time spending/money spending member base, who have been playing and waiting for the server merge to finally come.
Even on the forums, the majority of people that have been asking for server merges, are those that are on the mid server, the mid-servers who are close to dying.

This post was last edited by AKATSUKI_Kakashi at 2016-11-24 09:35
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-24 09:59:27Show All Posts
  • Yuusuke On 2016-11-24 09:14:50
  • And why should we prioritise servers who are much better off than other servers?
    If there is a wide-spread problem, the most logical decision is to first solve it where the problem hits hardest.
    Everyone wants the merge, obviously, but there's only so much there can be done at a time.
Why create a list of servers who are dead, merge the dead servers and advise us that servers who aren't dead, but barely alive, aren't being put on that list and therefore have no scheduled server merge?

It's a wide-spread problem, caused by having created too many servers.
Where does it hit the hardest ? Definitely not on the dead servers, it's the servers where there is a bigger number of players, who are all affected by their server being near dead.
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