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[ Player Guide ] The Only Fire Main Guide you will ever need in the current me<x>ta


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-21 04:22:50Show All PostsDescending Order
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Who I am does not matter, where I'm from does not matter as well but what I am about to say definately matters if you are a scarlet blaze and in need of dire help and also for the fact that I do not have a permanent job at the moment and have loads of time.

Please note that this guide is focused on gamers over level 50 as most servers are very much mature now.

This line up consists of Tobi Konan Deidara and of course Scarlet Blaze, It will complety obliterate people quickly if you have high nin moods on your ninjas and is pretty hard to stop unless the opponent is a fire main and has an acupunture that moves faster than you.


Please note that you c*so replace Konan with WB Asuma and move Tobi to Move 1. If you do that Deidara would hit much harder but at the same time your team is much more vulnerable so its really your choice.




oh but kato I don't have a King of Hell Summon omg. Actually most of you won't have that summon.. Chamelon or any Monkey summon would work as well for this line up.


This team focuses on pure power and has that control element you need in ningendo and you can choose to make fire main a control element if you wish as well. It hits pretty hard. One thing to note is that both pains should have + Attack mood despite the mood chart saying ninjutsu is a important stat to both the pains but the growth rates are really high for both pains in attack so please in no way mood the pains ninjutsu.




Lazy to upload one more pic but the fire Ele buff works as well as you already have genjutsu mirror from ningendo. The reason I choose the genjutsu mirror on main is because the opponent under ignite takes more damage and I have tested it to be stronger than the fire buff by just a little bit but thats if you can ignite the opponent (lightning mains ahem). So do take the fire buff if you want a better all round damage against all opponents.


Most of you who have these 2 pains would already have have summon serpent but if you don't have that summon well use the normal white snake.


Now this team is a fun team and won't kill your opponent quick but its a hell annoying and if your sadistic like me its funny to annoy the hell outta your opponent. ( I use this in arena to annoy people) If we had ino swimsuit and make out paradise Shikamaru it would be easier but still its pretty good as it is now. Ino can chase immobile and sleep twice and with guarenteed knockdown from GNW Kiba and sleep from main the 2 chaos would go out pretty fast. If timed right you can actually immobile and chaos the whole opponent team in round 1 and sit there and watch them do nothing as you wittle them away.




THE Sailor Sakura Squad

This team is extremely tanky and does a decent amount of damage. Downside is that at similar power the fastest you will be able to win is in 3 rounds or more because you don't really have much burst but you do however have 1 control skill and 1 interupt and a certain aoe hit in sailor sakura.




This team is designed to kill within the first or second round at most. It takes advantage of the buff from WB Asuma and the attack buffs from fire main and Shurado to himself. Burst the one you want to kill off with shurado mystery in first round and control the annoying ninja in the other team with main mystery. Second round should see you take out of of the enemy team already.



or replace genjutsu mirror with fire buff for added damage.



More to come

This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-21 04:22 This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-21 05:10
This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-21 15:27
This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-26 14:01
This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-26 14:03
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-21 04:26:19Show All Posts

The title says pretty much what this team is about but in all seriousness this is a scary team and if mooded well can rekt oponents fairly easily. Now the last spot is really situational. You have to think about the top players in your server and what do you think can make a difference against them. You can go Tobi or Sage jiraya for more flat out damage and ignite or you can go GNW kankuro for more Poison and an extra Puppet.



Talents are pretty much fixed unless you use GNW kankuro and can go for Death Mirage instead but I would not do that as the main clones gives extra protection against auto attacks to your front row.


Summon Rhino is a Must if you want the best out of this team other wise well there is no otherwise IMO.


Now this team is really really boring but it works only because the of the insane buffs from hashirama and iruka. Actually this team would work better with earth main because of the extra shield buffs but it still works decent with fire main as there is an ignite in the chase and you can trigger Iruka's chase with fire main's standard attack and Naruto's Mystery




Summon katsuyu normal version to trigger ignite from naruto's mystery or chameleon will do as well for high combo.
THE 19 Combo Wombo

This team is really for the combo freaks that can't get enough of combos. I personally would not use it besides the fact that it is a whole lot of combos. Chiyo does not actually do a lot of damage in her chases. The upside is that you get a lot of chakara from chiyo's chase and c*e mysteries at will from the second round onwards which results into most people not being able to withstand the onslaught




Now Before you all go ape on me and say why is it only 11 when you stated 19. well it is because Chiyo in the chinese version only does a total of 6 chases instead of 10 but her mystery gets a buff and is a prompt in the chinese version. Either way it is a 19 hit combo.
Summon for the best result.


I guess most scarlet blazes are tired of the sasuke hinata combos so lets do away with sasuke for a moment as for hinata i'm sorry u will have to keep her for this. Now this lineup really depends on your initiative to keep things in check but it should do alright against other F2P teams because it has a decent amount of control poison ignite and chakra stealing (which enables you to burst kankuro's mystery as well in the second round and the enemy cannot stop it). The last spot is optional between Kakuzu and Tobi but I prefer Kankuro for the poison.


Before you go OMG why isn't Hinata in the front row. I can't taunt. well it is imperative that Kisame is in move one. Why? Answer is simple if you have the faster initiative you would cast his mystery first and take the opponents chakara away totally negating your opponents second round mystery whereas Hinata Mystery is just a taunt and can only stop standard attacks that do not start a certain combo so the answer is quite obvious here.



This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-21 05:29

This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-21 15:16
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-21 06:18:05Show All Posts
  • DiamondDust On 2016-11-21 05:30:41
  • Gonna test the ticking time bomb formation and see how it works in fairyland.
    But the fact you got the Love Guru's image makes me wonder if your just playing around with ideas. lol
its love i spread =p but yea they are legit teams
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On 2016-11-21 07:21:20Show All Posts
  • FenMiHuo On 2016-11-21 07:09:55
  • How about Konan or Sasori for the last slot in fire main with sage and tendo? tobi is better than both?
Sasori is cool as well if you already have him but not Konan simply because u need a knockdown to low float chase.
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On 2016-11-21 10:40:17Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-21 10:12:25
  • Doesn't sasori kind of * bc his mystery is slow and not prompt? So slow
yes that is why i didn't recommend him in the first place ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-21 15:21:00Show All Posts
  • FenMiHuo On 2016-11-21 13:55:06
  • I don't get the gakido team, you have no way of igniting someone for the bonus damage, so whats the point of using fire over any other main?
Think about it this way. Someone actually manages to do a combo on anyone of your characters u reflect one of the status back at him and gakido clears it all off in turn 4 unless well he is the target and is immobile. He also casts a shield on anyone u want to protect or cure all status off and quite simply I mentioned you could use a ton of other characters there including Tobi if you want more damage and to be honest if you had sage naruto and tendo you really would not be worrying about such stuff simply because you deal too much damage already. This post was last edited by Katomaru at 2016-11-21 15:23
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-21 15:31:17Show All Posts
  • DiamondDust On 2016-11-21 14:35:16
  • Well, I tried it out in the Sage Battle, and the ticking time bomb did well against similar lvl opponents except those P2W teams or players higher lvl than you. Overall it was fun to try something different and watch half or more of the opponents health get taken out.
Glad you like it =)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-21 21:02:19Show All Posts
  • ShivamS On 2016-11-21 19:32:09
  • I only have sage naruto and gakido for pay 2 win ninjas could u recommend me a team for sage naruto?
screenshot your ninjas I will take a look
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On 2016-11-22 04:49:52Show All Posts
  • DeathSonata On 2016-11-21 21:21:18
  • Hi, I am a semi - pay2 win player and I have started the game roughly around a week ago. Been loving the fire main at level 55 now. However I am struggling to fight against some of the better players in my server , could you help me form a basic 12 man team base on the ninjas I have? As I am a new player I am not accessible to gnw kankuro, I am currently saving points for tobi and deidara too. I am saving up my seal scrolls until level 70 like people recommend in forum.

This should do fairly well for u. Iruka buffs and shields all your ninjas u have a decent combo 2 sleeps 1 interupt and c*e all mysteries in round 2 if itachi gets his mystery up first round. Tip do not use itachi mystery till its almost his turn to avoid being interupted
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-22 05:22:47Show All Posts
  • ShivamS On 2016-11-21 22:49:48
  • here are my ninjas.Summons i have all except for the golden ones.I have monkey king tho :P

Yours was a bit of a challenge mainly because there is a lack of a ninja or a summon to do more but this line up should control the target fairly well and you have 2 combo starters in tobi and naruto and one acupunture in neji and one immobile in your main. Frankly speaking I would go lightning main as you have kimmimaro at4* and sasuke at 5* with summon serpent alongside sage naruto.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-23 21:19:32Show All Posts
Sorry guys been busy I will update the guide and answer your questions ASAP
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-26 13:41:50Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-22 20:50:59
  • Wow Cool guide, but can you help me with my fire team? Lineup i currently use is Hinata,Fira Main,Deidara and GNW kankuro, my current lineup is good but i get rekted pretty easily by P2W and Higher lvl Ninjas, BtW im a f2P player :), Can you Help me?
i need your ninjas man
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-26 13:42:20Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-23 21:55:52
  • Mysteries?

other then those already seen there. mirror and clone
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-26 13:43:03Show All Posts
  • AYTIQICI On 2016-11-22 23:19:05
  • How about Ningendo Tobi and GNW kankuro with dog of hell? i call that's one hit team. U think that line up is good or not? :victory::lol
its pretty decent in terms of control and firepower. Only thing is they are pretty squishy.
Quicky Post

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