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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam 85 - Wind Main


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On 2017-02-05 12:28:50Show All Posts
Thank you for the post! I cannot tell you how many time I have been stuck inside the Manda attack loop as I like using clones. I could not figure out what was causing the attack loop as I NEVER survived the loop. I have finally beaten the lv 85 ninja exam after being stuck for a month. I kept thinking that if I was stronger I would be able to kill Manda, but would only get stuck in the attack loop. The moral that I need to learn from this is that there are a lot of great teams out there that do not need to lean on the clone crutch, and that I need to go hunting for a better team instead of just using what works for most fights. By the way for anyone who is curious, I am lv 82 and my favorite team of Tobi, Hinata, and Karin puts my current ppower about 27.5k and I was still losing thanks to my clones.
Quicky Post

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