Hi ! i play on Land of Lightning server and first time doing a lor of recharge on this game spending 2250 ingots and 1500 coupons on lucky stars wheel event, you know its A LOT REAL MONEY FOR ME, just i wanted gakido pain and what? i didnt get nothing LOL all this coupons and ingots OMG i would buy so much power for this, i put all in this event and didnt get what i want tell my guys why WHY, THIS GAKIDO PAIN IS THERE FOR SHOW OR WHAT? i seeing cash players and they said me they pay 1k copuns and get gakido, i spend 3x more and dont get this LOL now im so dissapoined that was my last time when i spend real money so much coupons and ingots and my money losing on this game and event, i dont know guys what RNG you put in this game. I feel you cheated me and i dont know what to do with this now. SECOND THING IS AGAIN THIS EVENT DEADLINE IN WRONG TIMES and i have even proof for that...

Look on dates, deadlines and times its like 1-2hours diffrence even if this is my computer time or server time, pls fix this cuz is not first time when i see that bug...