as a business practice, its *ty, but much more profitable if the big spenders need to pay absurd amonts of money to get something, because they already know that you will complain but keep spending.
on the other hand f2p are given rare drops here and there to keep all f2p exited with the possibility and maybe here and there get some money from them.
if you as a big spender are worth around 100 ftp for them, then if you combine the 100 ftp pulls together they will be similar to yours, you cant compare 1 big spender to 1 ftp, you need to compare it to at least 100 ftp or even more.
again its a *y practice to have, but its what makes them more money, and in the end that is all they care.
so if you dont agree stop paying so much, and if more do that maybe they will take the hint, as i said before on this forum