2016-11-15 17:25:17
Put in Ningendo for Tobi and get that 19 hit combo. Team is not that good though because Chiyo deals no damage.
Chiyo actually deals a larger chunk of damage than people give her credit for. The problem with Chiyo though is that her Mystery isn't a prompt and easily interrupted. When totaling her damage you have to total the damage from each hit for that particular chase then total together the damage of each chase to get the total damage she's dealt. I've used her on Kakashi clones and looked at the damage stats and she's easily one of the highest damaging Ninja on the team if not the highest. People tend to look at the number rather than the total damage. She's a lot like the Rogue on WoW, she'll kill you with a lot of tiny bites that lead to your spleen on the floor and a dagger in your kidneys. Don't get me wrong, there are stronger Ninja's out there, but she is largely underrated in my opinion. I personally use her in my main team. I use BD with Dance then PB Sasuke, GNW Ten Ten and her and usually one shot people with little effort. Most of the time I can't even get through my full 15 combo before they drop dead and I don't even have anything into her mood yet.