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[ Player Guide ] Guide to get the higher power for new players FREE 2 Play style.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-15 09:55:56Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys i will write a little guide here for new players because i see many lvl 55 running around with 10k Power or less meanwhile i got almost 13k at lvl 56.

Starting with Magatamas,Refining and strenghtening.

Im guessing many new players strenghtening only their main char and put the magatamas on their main char, i myself did this first time i played this.

So for example put 5 lvl 1 Life magatamas on your main char then do the same on your next ninja and so on so all 4 ninjas got 5 lvl 1 Life magatamas, then upgrade one lvl 1 Life magatama to lvl 2 on your main then go to your next ninja and do the same until all 4 ninjas in your team got 1 lvl 2 Life magatama and 4 lvl 1, this way you spreading out the power equally in your team, you do the same with all kind of magatamas ofc.

Now strenghtening, i personally find it Worth strenghtening the Equipment in the lower lvls but when you get to lvl 55 its way to expensive. You get more out of your coins donation too your Group and upgrading Group skills at that Point also at those lvls, 50 power difference between players doesnt really do much and you dont even get 50 power if you would strenghten lvl 54 to 55 and it would cost 250k coins.

But this guide is for newplayers so strenghtening is the same as with magatamas, strenghten your Equipment equally between your ninjas and keep them on the same strenghtening lvl. Same goes for Refining the Equipment and upgrading it, for example refine your jonin mask to lvl 1 on your main char then go to the next ninja in your team and do the same.

Now for the coupons you get spend them on MAGATAMAS, thats pretty much the only thing Worth spending them on if you looking to get more powerfull in my opinion, also mood scrolls could be good spending them on since they cost 15 coupons each, sometimes i spend 5 coupons in the black market for example a stone of snow if it means i can upgrade an Equipment doing so.

Now for the Group skills if you are in a Group that is, upgrade every skill to lvl 1 then continue to lvl up every skill to 2 and so on, dont skip one just cuz you didnt gain much power after upgrading it. Trust me i have upgrade some skills there and my power stayed the same but they are there for a reason so imo i Think better equally spreading it out rather than have Life on lvl 20 and defence on 6 for example.

Ok moving on to something that maybe many misses when using mini client and that is the Facebook sharing, log into the game on your browser instead and share your accomplishments =) you get magatamas from it, stamina potions and yeah check it out since it will help you get more power.

Alright cultivation and awakening ninjas, now having all ninjas fully cultivated is fairly easy at the beginning when you reach lvl 28 and can cultivate them, but at later lvls having them all fully cultivated is just not happening so i did like this, at lvl 55 you can have 12 ninjas on the battlefield in ranked battle. Pick out the ninjas you want to build a team of and awaken them and cultivate them, of you will have some cultivation runes over at lvl 65 when those ninjas are fully cultivated but you will need them for lvl 66 trust me on that. Also dont spend Points on for example suigetsu in survival shop because you will still get him later in plot instance so get tobi instead just a tip.

Now setting the mood for your ninjas. As a water main i got +ninjutsu and - attack since well i heal and doesnt attack so its ideal for me. So Think about the ninja you setting the mood for, for example tobis basic attacks kinda *s so dont + him there but his ninjutsu does alot dmg so get the + there instead and the - on attack since his basics causes ignition anyways so a minus there doesnt really affect him much.

Now for the summons, if you have followed what ive wrote until the Point you are lvl 55 you should have 12k power if not more, now you can have 3 summons at the same time to choose from (you will see what i mean) and you can put runes on them, my advice here is put runes only on one summon since you can only use one summon on the battlefield so putting runes on the other summons is just dumb imo since you can just switch Place between the summons (that is the top box where you could Place the first summon you got in) and that summon will have the runes on him instead.

That was Everything i could Think of right now =) Hope it was to any help and remember Better to spread the power out than just focus on your main char and leaving the other 3 ninjas without magatamas and yeah you understand what i mean.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-17 08:35:50Show All Posts
I forgot some things so i add them here.

About Ninja Tools the things you get from Team instance, 2 of the Same tool can give differents Power ups for example one clay spider might give additional +10 attack and +10 resistance meanwhile Another might give +10 ninjutsu and +10 Life for example so check them out what is good for you team etc.

Another thing is survival trial dont forget to retreat if you are getting ass whopped by someone there, trying different tactics will help alot when doing survival trial. Remember you picked those 12 ninjas for a reason.

Well thats all i can Think of now that might be to some help.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-18 02:46:41Show All Posts
Thanks for correcting somethings SIFI but summon runes and magatamas cant be the same system? since i use actually those ninjas=4 that is, thats gotten magatamas put into them.

I can still only use ONE summon on the battlefield so putting runes on my second summon doesnt boost my first summon that i use? correct me if im wrong
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