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[ Player Guide ] Guide to get the higher power for new players FREE 2 Play style.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-20 10:43:22Show All Posts
Coupons are best used for events where there is a decent standard payout for your coupons I.e: where your prizes are better than or at least equal to what they would be if you had paid for them. Lucky Board is far and Away the best one for this (it was the event that got me all lvl 4 magatama on all slots, and then some 5s)
Avoid spending coupons on events or items with random outcome prizes/effects and instead buy things that will definitely increase your power.

I.e: Spending coupons/points to buy 5 refine runes MIGHT power you up some, but buying 5 armour threads WILL power you up (even if only little by little)

Buying 10 Seal Scrolls MIGHT get you a new ninja, magatama etc, but spending the same amount on Magatama WILL power you up.


It's all relative, and as you progress, some deals are worse than others and maybe picking up another coupe of seals to be able to draw 10 for a new ninja might be better th*ing it to partially upgrade a rune of magatama. The time to buy is when the discount is clear and you can definitely get more * for your buck.
This post was last edited by Tzatziki at 2017-1-20 02:50
Quicky Post

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