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[ Strategy Share ] Wind Main/Breeze Dancer Builds for PvP, Nine Tails, and SA


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On 2016-11-14 00:54:57Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
1# Go To
Breeze Dancer:


Required Ninja: Tobi, GNW Neji, and Karin

- Switch Breeze Dancer and GNW Neji so you can have a Move 2 Acupuncture instead of a Move 3.
- Switch GNW Neji with Ao and Karin with Tsunade. Use Shoot down Rasengan instead of Wind Style - *ing. You c*e Super *y Harem Jutsu instead of Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.
- Switch Tobi with Sage Naruto*. You'll need to poison using Karin's mystery before your Sage Naruto uses his standard attack if they can reflect debuffs. You c*e Enhancement of Wind style ninja instead of Flower Guard.
- Switch Tobi with Konan* and Karin with Pain - Gakido.
- Switch Tobi with GNW Kiba and Karin with Tsunade. Use Shoot down Rasengan instead of Wind Style - *ing.

* Using a Wind ninja as your only combo starter is usually a bad idea. You'll almost always be against a Tobi or a Scarlet Blaze. All Wind ninja have a -20% to Fire Resistance.

- Stack Initiative on Tobi.
- On Turn 1, use GNW Neji's mystery to Acupuncture their Move 1 chase starter.
- On Turn 2, use Tobi's mystery to Acupuncture their Move 2 chase starter. Use Breeze Dancer's mystery to reset cooldowns and either use Neji's mystery to Acupuncture their Move 3 or Move 4 ninja or queue up Tobi's mystery to use on Turn 3.
- On Turn 3, use Tobi's mystery to kill their Move 1 or 2 chase starter. Use Karin's mystery to Poison. If you haven't already use Neji to Acupuncture the Move 1 or 2 ninja.

- Breeze Dancer: +Life, -Ninjutsu
- Tobi: +Ninjutsu, -Attack or +Life, -Attack
- GNW Neji: +Life, -Ninjutsu
- Karin: +Life, -Attack or +Ninjutsu, -Attack

PvP Alternative:

Required Ninja: Tobi, GNW Neji, and Tsunade

- Switch Breeze Dancer and Tobi.
- Switch GNW Neji with Ao. You c*e Super *y Harem Jutsu or Queen Momentum instead of Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.
- Switch Tobi with Sage Naruto and Tsunade with Karin. You'll need to poison using Karin's mystery before your Sage Naruto uses his standard attack if they have reflect. You c*e Enhancement of Wind style ninja instead of Flower Guard.
- Switch Tobi with GNW Kankuro.
- Switch Tobi with Konan and Tsunade with Karin.

- Stack Initiative on Breeze Dancer and Tobi.
- On Turn 1, use GNW Neji's mystery to Acupuncture their Move 1 chase starter.
- On Turn 2+, alternate between Breeze Dancer's mystery and Tobi's mystery. If Breeze Dancer is faster than their Move 2 chase starter, use Tobi; otherwise, start with Breeze Dancer's mystery.

- Breeze Dancer: +Life, -Attack or +Ninjutsu, -Attack
- Tobi: +Ninjutsu, -Attack or +Life, -Attack
- GNW Neji: +Life, -Ninjutsu
- Tsunade: +Life, -Attack or +Ninjutsu, -Attack

Nine Tails:

Required Ninja: Gaara, Wind Blade Asuma, Baki

- If you don't have Wind Blade Asuma, you c*e Temari, Guy, or Tenten instead.

- You c*e Chameleon if you want to.
- Turn 1: Use Gaara's mystery, then use Breeze Dancer's mystery.
- Turn 2: Use Baki's mystery.
- Turn 3: Use Breeze Dancer's mystery and Asuma's mystery.
- Turn 4: Use Gaara's mystery, then use Baki's mystery.
- Turn 5: If Gaara survives the blast, surrender.

- Breeze Dancer: +Ninjutsu, -Defense
- Gaara: +Ninjutsu, -Defense
- Baki: +Ninjutsu, -Defense
- Karin: +Ninjutsu, -Defense This post was last edited by YellowPaint at 2016-12-19 19:53 This post was last edited by YellowPaint at 2016-12-19 19:57
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-14 00:54:58Show this Author Only
Strong Approaching (Hanzo) (Difficult):

Required Ninja: Pain - Shurado, Guy, Kabuto

- Replace Shurado for Neji.

Wave 1: Giant Rain Ninja
- Turn 1: Use Shurado's mystery on the middle Giant. His mystery + standard attack should kill the middle giant.
- Turn 2: Use Guy's mystery on the bottom Giant. After the Giants' attack, use Kabuto's mystery. All 3 Giants should be dead by the end of Turn 2. If they're not dead, that's okay, kill them in Turn 3; the rest of the guide will be a little off due to your cooldowns being shorter.
- After Wave 1, if you have less than 4 Kabuto clones, use Kabuto's mystery.

Wave 2: Shizune
- Turn 1: Use Shurado's mystery to interrupt Shizune's mystery. If Shurado starts a chase, don't do anything this turn and wait until next turn. If Guy starts a chase with his standard attack, use Dance of Impetus and use Shurado and Guy's mystery at the start of Turn 2 and Shizune should be dead. If not, wait until Guy starts a chase or his mystery is off cooldown.
- Turn 2: Use Kabuto's mystery. If Shurado starts a chase, don't do anything this turn and wait until next turn. If Guy started a chase with his standard attack, use Dance of Impetus and use Shurado and Guy's mystery at the start of Turn 3 and Shizune should be dead. If not, wait until Turn 3.
- Turn 3: If Shurado starts a chase, restart. Use Shurado's mystery to interrupt Shizune. Use Guy's mystery to start a chase. Then use Dance of Impetus to refresh cooldowns. Next turn, use Shurado and Guy's mystery to kill Shizune.

Wave 3: Karin
- Turn 1: Do nothing.
- Turn 2: Do nothing.
- Turn 3: If Guy started a chase with his standard attack in Turn 2, use Shurado's mystery to interrupt Karin, then use Dance of Impetus to refresh cooldowns and use Guy's mystery to kill Karin. If Guy didn't start a chase with his standard attack in Turn 2, use Guy's mystery after Karin standard attack. Then use Dance of Impetus. Next turn, use Shurado and Guy's mystery to kill Karin.

Wave 4: Jiraya
- Turn 1: Do nothing.
- Turn 2: Use Shurado's mystery to interrupt Jiraya.
- Turn 3: Use Guy's mystery then use Dance of Impetus. After dance of Impetus is cast, use Guy's mystery again.
- Turn 4: Use Shurado's mystery to interrupt Jiraya.
- Turn 5: Jiraya should be dead.

Wave 5: Hanzo
- Turn 1: Use whatever mysteries you want.
- Turn 2: Use whatever mysteries you want, except for Shurado's mystery.
- Turn 3: Use Shurado's mystery to interrupt Hanzo.
- Turn 4+: Repeat turn 2 and 3 until Hanzo is dead.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-18 19:33:45Show this Author Only
cool.. very helpfull !! thank you senpaii! btw how to change profile pic??
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On 2016-11-19 06:08:48Show this Author Only
Why Baki for ninetails... his passive work vs ninetails?.
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On 2016-11-19 18:33:20Show this Author Only
  • Ryonell On 2016-11-19 06:08:48
  • Why Baki for ninetails... his passive work vs ninetails?.
+12% boost for wind ninjas
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On 2016-11-21 07:05:48Show this Author Only
im lvl 75 breeze main and i use wind main, sage naruto, yamato and iruka.. 11222 with Jutsu Chameleon

Breeze - -
Iruka Sage Naruto -
Yamato - -

i always finish in top 2 with this. try it and tell me what you think.
This post was last edited by kan*** at 2016-11-21 07:06
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-24 10:55:27Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-21 07:05:48
  • im lvl 75 breeze main and i use wind main, sage naruto, yamato and iruka.. 11222 with Jutsu Chameleon

    Breeze - -
    Iruka Sage Naruto -
    Yamato - -

    i always finish in top 2 with this. try it and tell me what you think.
    This post was last edited by kan*** at 2016-11-21 07:06
Why Yamato?
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On 2016-11-24 12:32:31Show this Author Only
--- --- ---
Wind Main, Sage Mode Naruto, ---
Wind Blade Azuma, Iruka, ---

Set up is 3,1,3,3,1 and use the 10 hit chameleon.
make sure to place Iruka last so he buffs all your clones.

At the top of round one you will have 60 chakra, sit on it if you can soak the damage, but you have the option to shut down any bigger threats (round one shut downs, ect).

At the top of round two you should have 80 chakra (if you did not use Iruka) use SM Naruto and Azuma, wait till the close of the round then dance.

If they are not dead by the end of round two, you will have Iruka, Sage Mode Naruto, and Asuma to choose from.

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On 2016-12-02 12:29:17Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-21 07:05:48
  • im lvl 75 breeze main and i use wind main, sage naruto, yamato and iruka.. 11222 with Jutsu Chameleon

    Breeze - -
    Iruka Sage Naruto -
    Yamato - -

    i always finish in top 2 with this. try it and tell me what you think.
    This post was last edited by kan*** at 2016-11-21 07:06
I tried this formation and I really got wrecked haha.
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On 2016-12-08 15:45:21Show this Author Only
Can i use sage naruto as a subtitute for wb asuma in 9tails?
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On 2016-12-08 16:28:17Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-08 15:45:21
  • Can i use sage naruto as a subtitute for wb asuma in 9tails?
Asuma buffs other ninjas... Naruto is not.

Best BD line up for nine tails right now is:
Main+Gaara 3 star+WB Asuma+Kage Conference Temari

At least I think so.
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On 2016-12-08 21:53:31Show this Author Only
  • thedevu On 2016-12-08 16:28:17
  • Asuma buffs other ninjas... Naruto is not.

    Best BD line up for nine tails right now is:
    Main+Gaara 3 star+WB Asuma+Kage Conference Temari

    At least I think so.
I don't have the new Temari, but someone told me that she does less damage than Baki. Might be because Baki is 5* and Temari is 3*, I have no idea.
This post was last edited by YellowPaint at 2016-12-8 21:56
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On 2016-12-19 02:34:14Show this Author Only
  • ftnagod1 On 2016-12-08 21:53:31
  • I don't have the new Temari, but someone told me that she does less damage than Baki. Might be because Baki is 5* and Temari is 3*, I have no idea.
    This post was last edited by YellowPaint at 2016-12-8 21:56
3 star = 10% bonus stats
5 star = 20% bonus stats

So... yea... I think that might be the reason.
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On 2017-01-08 21:20:26Show this Author Only
For 9-tail i went for
Wind Main|Yamato|x|
Tenten (GNW)|x|x|
Asuma (WB)|x|x|
Talents: 3,1,3,2,2 and Summon: chameleon Full auto
was able to deal 2.7mil dmg within 5mins - 9 tails are usually defeat between 5-6 min.
Quicky Post

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