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[ Events ] Sage Spending Update


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On 2016-11-13 19:20:59Show All PostsDescending Order
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I would like to introduce a new and fun way for people to play Naruto Online. I developed the idea myself as i know that a lot of people would find it very helpful aswell. Can you please create a new update called Sage Spending. where a player for how ever many weeks can spend as many credits as they like to test all the fun bit's of the game. But they can not upgrade the characters, or the perks they get with them, eg. runes or magatama or other upgrades which infludence the characters. The player can basically buy everyything in the game as a fun way to experience what they want out of the game. The player can buy scrolls and get new characters and only compete with there new Sage Spending abilities in the arena but they do not win any points or green tokens if they beat another player in battle. This is a great way for players to test out what they like to play with as well as boost them even more for when the update runs out after a few weeks and then they are all the more motivated to spend real money to get the characters they need and whatever else they need to get there perfect characters. This is a great way to spark more fun and creativity within Naruto Online and a permanent mind influencer towards those who want those new characters they would have tried out in the Sage Spending update.

The only down side to this Update is there are some people out there who would rarther have the fun of spending free tokens like mad, test it all out and be done and not come back to the game. But this is supported by the fact that there is so much you can purchase i the game that mentally the time that was taken to buy everything and test everything out will sit heavy on the players mind and are basically being drawn into the 'addiction' phaze causing the player to come back after thinking about the fun they had and keep playing the game. There is little risk to this possible update method as well as big gains towards it's growth and towards putting money in your back pocket. Thanks
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