Nine Tails Naru
2016-11-13 11:09:16
This isn't a real form...Maybe ask what a real form is next time?
This is what a real form would look similar too
Platform (Browser/Facebook/Client) :
Server ID :
Character Name :
UID (If you are using Facebook account, you can find your UID on the bottom of the page. For players with OAS account : go to your profile - "change nickname") :
Bug Description :
Screenshot :
Operation System :
Your computer time-zone/Country :
Are you using VPN or not ? :
why would you reply to this in the first place if you're just gonna tell him what he did or did not spend on his account? you have no idea what you're talking about, nor do you know how to fix the situation so your opinion is irrelevant. You can't tell people "you didn't spend thousands" when you don't know what they've spent. Unless you can tell him how to get his account back, you have no business replying.