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[ Lineup ] Midnight Blade (Lighting Main ) Line up


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-12 20:16:21Show All Posts
Why warriors killing intent with only 1 sword user? I'd understand with sasuke but you don't use him - strange. Yeah just like Kaigen said ,I used that formation for long time (until I find good ninja instead Kakashi because sadly he was dying pretty fast everytime) ,and I used ANBU Special Assault Tactics to slow down HP loss(yeah kabuto is great but still he using only quick healing so sometimes it was not enough) ,elemental boost is good too (3/4 in team would be boosted so its better choice too) ,and summon on screen is obviously mistake right? U were using Shiba Dog to use Hinata acupuncture in combo ofcourse. Still im jealous that this works good for U on SW Battlefields because until I get Hidan and Tsunade or my only one rare ninja(I have pain Ningendo)I didnt reach top 15 even once XD . If U still wanna use that passive start using at least one more ninja with sword (I now using Kimimaro as a shield work great with Kabuto, most of water swordsmans are also good ,and Hidan with Anbu tactics , draining so much HP when using his mystery that U almost not gonna feel that he sacraficing his hp :D ) ,the choice is Urs its only advice so I hope it maybe gonna help U a little :)
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