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[ Lineup ] Femme Fatale Party


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-07-18 01:47:55Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So i've been trying out this game on the german servers as it's the only language I can sort of understand untill the english release and I had this setup:

Breeze Dancer (DPS)
Sakura (upgraded to 2 star) Healer
Hinata (so close to 2 star) Tank
Temari (started off 2 star) DPS

I'm not a fan of Temari as her skills are basically Breeze Dancer's only inferior, any suggestions for a good replacement for my all female team? Also, Hinata is in the first row because I think that's how tanks work? Second for DPS? What about the third row?
EDIT: I'm talking early game (I'm level 26 on german servers) so dont suggest stuff like Konan or anything ;p
This post was last edited by mae*** at 2016-7-18 01:49
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-07-18 03:52:44Show this Author Only
You can actually browse to your list of ninjas in game for all possible female units at your level.

If you are level 26 the only benefit you can have in using all females in your group is the Flower Guard but the usefulness would depend on your resistance. It could be a good combo with Queen Momentum but that is available in level 55 only.
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On 2016-07-18 04:10:47Show this Author Only
Yeah I was going for that Flower Guard synergy :D. I know about the list, but since I can't read german properly it's hard for me to tell who's a healer, tank or DPS other then the obvious Sakura/Tsunade/Karin. I'm playing the game by guesswork most of the time.
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On 2016-07-18 16:44:49Show this Author Only
  • Minavi On 2016-07-18 04:10:47
  • Yeah I was going for that Flower Guard synergy :D. I know about the list, but since I can't read german properly it's hard for me to tell who's a healer, tank or DPS other then the obvious Sakura/Tsunade/Karin. I'm playing the game by guesswork most of the time.
If your going with that strategy, for sure you would invest mainly for resistance for your main for Flower Guard to be effective. I would suggest staying with Temari so you can have a DPS since Hinata will be the tank and Sakura for healing.
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On 2016-07-18 18:33:28Show this Author Only
Yeah I was afraid I might be stuck with Temari for a bit, could be worse, could've been Tenten. :lol
Thanks for the advice Ian.
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On 2016-07-18 18:51:39Show this Author Only
  • Minavi On 2016-07-18 18:33:28
  • Yeah I was afraid I might be stuck with Temari for a bit, could be worse, could've been Tenten. :lol
    Thanks for the advice Ian.
You are welcome. Minavi. There's just so many strategy with Wind Class. You should try it out. :D
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On 2016-07-19 06:47:48Show this Author Only
  • Minavi On 2016-07-18 18:33:28
  • Yeah I was afraid I might be stuck with Temari for a bit, could be worse, could've been Tenten. :lol
    Thanks for the advice Ian.
tenten is actualy a nice dps at 2 star because of her crit chance buff. you can get anko early too but shes not that great, ino has a cc skill which can help, i cant think of any other females you can get before level 40+ outside of the ones mentioned already
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On 2016-07-19 07:09:38Show this Author Only
I'm level 32 on the german servers right now (Cant wait for the US release, should keep me entertained till EU comes out) and have a 2 star Hinata tank (loving her) 2 star Sakura healer and 2 star Sasuke (The cursed mark form one) as I decided to wait a bit before restarting my femme fatale team. You made me curious though, how does Tenten's crit chance buff work, is it for herself only or for the entire team? If so, how many % is it?
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On 2016-07-19 08:09:40Show this Author Only
  • Minavi On 2016-07-19 07:09:38
  • I'm level 32 on the german servers right now (Cant wait for the US release, should keep me entertained till EU comes out) and have a 2 star Hinata tank (loving her) 2 star Sakura healer and 2 star Sasuke (The cursed mark form one) as I decided to wait a bit before restarting my femme fatale team. You made me curious though, how does Tenten's crit chance buff work, is it for herself only or for the entire team? If so, how many % is it?
i dont think it says the exact % but if i remember right its a team buff for like 3 rounds plus if you deal 10 hits she gets an extra attack that guarantees a crit. her skill also has high combo so she can self proc her extra crit every other turn
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On 2016-07-19 08:30:31Show this Author Only
As much as I dislike Tenten (she was given no development in the anime whatsoever) I must admit that sounds pretty good. I might have to try and get her, thank you Shado :)
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On 2016-08-20 10:41:14Show this Author Only
Kurenai better than Sakura
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