Summary: A tale about the 5 Naruto Online Main characters set in the West, where the lands are lawless and the only way to survive is to use your wit and your will. But in such harsh places, there still remains honour among thieves and bonds forged in fire.
Honour in the West (2): Fist meets Fang
The desert was a lonely, desolate place with the blazing sun hanging high in the sky and on this road rode a stranger, his brown leather duster swayed in the wind and he peered at the horizon. He saw a dot in the distance waving its arms up and down to try to get his attention. He rode closer to the dot to see a young woman with a blue top and brown shorts, a silver revolver beside her hip and a stetson rested atop on her head to block out the sun. The man had to admit to himself that the young woman before him was beautiful in the cute, innocent way but that image was shattered when he spotted a dead horse and from what he could discern, a bandit lying in a pool of his own blood some way away.
"Hey, would you mind giving me a lift to town?" She said sweetly. The man raised an eyebrow and he looked at the dead body.
"How do I know I won't end up like him?" He said gruffly.
"Unless you're aiming to rob me in the middle of nowhere then I give you my word that I won't harm you." The man kept silent for a few moments before he inclined his head towards her and they were riding on the dusty road together.
"So what's a pretty girl like you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" He opened up with a compliment and he could tell that she took the praise well.
"Thanks for that stranger but if you must know, I've been looking for my brother for the last few months and I was on my way to the next town when the bandit shot my horse."
"I'm taking it you didn't take it too kindly when he did."
"No, no, I didn't. So, tell me stranger, where are you headed?"
"Aww can't you give more information than that?"
"You're no fun."
"I offered you a ride, it doesn't come with good company."
"Fine, be like that." They rode on in silence for a few minutes. "Do you have a name?"
"...It's Crimson." He said curtly.
"Azure." They spotted a woman in distress, she was sobbing and crying besides a broken wagon.
"Please, help me! They took everything and left me here!" She wailed and they both came to a stop. They both got off to get closer to her when a dozenmen came out of hiding from the rocks. The woman stopped her wailing and ran behind the apparent leader.
"Hands in the air, both of you." He said, waving his gun at them and they raised their hands up in surrender.
"Hahaha! Look here boys, we got a lovely couple on our hands here." He laughed uproariously.
"We're not a couple." Azure and Crimson said simultaneously.
"Doesn't matter what you are, now here's what you two are going to do. You're going to drop all the money that you got, any guns or ammo you have, we'll be...what's the word for it?"
"Liberatin', boss."
"Yeah, that's the word, liberatin' it from you." He stepped closer to Crimson and dug the barrel of his gun into his temple. "Got a problem with that?"
"...You got something on your face." Crimson pointed out with his index finger.
"And what's that?" He was distracted with the question when Crimson *ed the gun and watched as the man's head exploded in a bloody gore.
"Your bullet." The gathered men were too shocked by the death of their leader to notice that Crimson and Azure had drawn their own guns up and fired at them diving for cover behind the rocks. They broke out of their trance when a few of their men were gunned down, screaming in agony as bullets ripped through them.
"You *s!" The * unloaded their rifles on the rocks. Azure squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of the bullets firing at her but Crimson kept calm in this situation and waited for the opportune moment. Azure was about to get out of cover and fire back when she was stopped by Crimson who signalled for her to wait.
"Not yet, wait until they're reloading." Once they could hear more than a few rifles click without a * did they move. Crimson raised both of his revolvers up and unloaded onto the bandits, a few bullet tearing through a few skulls with precision. Azure took careful aim with her own and her eye was trained down on the iron sights and she fired, the bullets cracked the air and hit their mark. A few more bodies down for the count.
A few more seconds and they stopped to watch as a dozen men laid on the ground motionless and a terrified woman stared wide eyed in horror as blood covered her body being in close approximately to such calculated brutality and death. Azure stalked forward, opening the barrel to her revolver and emptying the casings before putting a single round in and spinning the barrel back in place.
She put the iron on the woman and she screamed with the barrel still hot from firing at the woman's compatriots.
"Now, I got a few questions for you and each time you lie, I fire. Were you working with them?"
"Please, don't kill me, I was an innoc-"
Click! The woman clamped up instantly and she stared into Azure's eyes who looked down at her darkly while Crimson looked at the petrified woman.
"You have five more possible chances to reevaluate your answer. Do you want to try again?"