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[ Help ] Eight inner gates


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 21:30:00Show All Posts
so is it worth it bulding up secondary stats on characters? i was thinking that crit might be good on tsunade for example
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On 2016-11-11 05:08:50Show All Posts
  • dlp2323 On 2016-11-11 05:05:59
  • Spent 33mil coins and got 900 power. Only got 2 red ones and 7 yellow ones as well as a bunch of purple ones. I probably would have gotten more, but I kinda wasted some @.@

    It helped me reach 40k power, so I'm fine with what I got so far xD
    This post was last edited by StrikeExia at 2016-11-11 05:07
The highest in the shop are yellow ones i havent realised you could get red ones. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2016-11-11 05:11
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On 2016-11-11 05:11:30Show All Posts
  • dlp2323 On 2016-11-11 05:09:55
  • Yeah you can only purchase up to the yellow tier ones, but red ones are obtainable as well but super rare considering 33 mil coins got me two. :p
I spent 8 mil and not even got a yellow one lol.
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On 2016-11-11 05:43:56Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2016-11-11 05:36:30
  • Initiative IS a secondary stat.... just saying....

    That said, usually no. Thou I do believe for ninjas that have a CHANCE to trigger a status (knockdown on hinata's normal attack), combo helps in that regard. The other stats are fairly useless unless there is a significant difference between the two side, in which case the runes will hardly help.

    The only problem I have with this feature coming out after months of game is that, as a responsible and contributing member of my group, I have donated well over 35m to my current group and about 5m to my previous one(left that one cause leader quit the game w/o notice, thou we later found out it was medical emergency but... yeah...). There are really only three type of people who have spare coins on their hand: ptw, ppl who knew this was coming and leeches (some people are a combination of them, the second category is arguably also the third).
    While I have no particular issue with the first two, I really don't like the fact that people get rewarded for leeching. I somewhat wish this feature is tied to group donation and you can't spend on it more than you have donated to the group....

    Oh, and for the record, I have heard of this feature before and half of my donation is made AFTER I've heard it. So yeah....
Not seen any initiative runes drop as of yet. How did you know it was coming btw we all thought it was far in the future?
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On 2016-11-11 09:48:03Show All Posts
A lot of people don't bother doing 9 tails this should encourage them at least
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On 2016-11-12 00:08:16Show All Posts
  • Vilverin On 2016-11-12 00:01:05
  • Theres nothing lucky about it lol. This game is made for profit. Like in this lucky stars wheel event where u always get ningendo pack in first 10 spins so u think u are lucky and continue to waste ur money ;p 8 Inner gates is no different. U have alot of coins coz u already lvled ur gear etc so u spend them on this and recive maybe 1 red and then u want more and spend cash to get more lulz. It's sad they dont think about f2p guys. They would make more money that way.
And f2p players are the content for paying players pretty much so if you look after your f2p players and they make up the numbers for your game to have a healthy population.
That being said if you do all your daily events you shouldnt struggle for coins. Its interesting that in China you only need to fill out 1 grid that applies to all your characters so it takes 4x as many coins to fill out 4 grids here im not sure how i feel about that yet. On one hand its a giant money sink needing that much more coins on other hand it lets you customise your secondary stats more i guess but someone posted in strategy saying secondary stats dont work so i dont know.
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On 2016-11-12 02:06:34Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-12 02:02:33
  • It may take more coins, but in the long run it's actually better because you can customize each ninja, which is actually better.
Assuming the secondary stats work yes but someone said in strategy like this might not be the case. But i havent read the chinese thread about it yet.
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On 2016-11-12 02:18:30Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-12 02:12:02
  • Just because 1 person says it doesn't work, doesn't mean you should believe. Like when I told you Tobi wasn't broken, 90% of the thread told you Tobi wasn't broken, but when 1 person said he was you were all on board for it.

    Don't believe 1 person until proof is shown.
Ill tell you what i think once i translated the chinese thread on it. Ill remain optimistic for now since im trying to stack some nin *ion so if its effect is minimal ill be dissapointed.
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On 2016-11-12 02:33:01Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-12 02:30:28
  • I'll be very sad if that's the case, I stacked a lot of it.
Pretty much same here i stacked lots of control ( purple lv 6 or 7 rune ) on tank to try to avoid sleep and put lots of *ion on my dps with crit on tsunade for higher chaos chance.
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On 2016-11-12 02:34:55Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-12 02:34:15
  • I don't even know what control does
Its ice i think? its supposed to make it easier to apply status effects or resist them the way i understand it like maybe resist sleep?
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On 2016-11-12 02:50:37Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-12 02:38:24
  • I've never resisted anything like that though, even with the control stat.
Maybe you need like a LOT of it for it to make any difference? I know crit combo initiative work for sure but not sure about injury control and *ions.
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On 2016-11-12 02:59:27Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-12 02:55:55
  • Hm, *ion probably breaks through their resistance and defence, but not sure about control and injury. Maybe injnury reduces healing
Injury increases outgoing and reduces incoming crit dmg but i cant tell if it makes a difference.
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