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[ Events ] Events Nov 10th


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On 2016-11-16 04:41:50Show this Author Only
  • Sturm On 2016-11-15 19:23:30
  • I am not a mod, but since you want someone telling you "No, you're wrong", I might aswell take upon such a duty myself.

    You can obtain Sasori from this event.
    First and foremost, it is not impossible. An extremely low chance is STILL a chance. You just showed us the maths for it, so unless you are saying your maths, and thus the point upon which you're making your argument, are wrong, I don't see why you're complaining.
    Second, and just as important, they never claimed you would obtain 80 fragments. You can obtain a ninja by getting the last 5 fragments you needed, for example.
    You're just making it sound like you're being deceived because the truth is not as you wanted it to be.
    I am surprise Daiske and Yuusuke are putting up with your attitude to be honest.
With all respect your logic is inherently flawed. Following that basis you can say,"Well the event, even if you spent the max amount daily by putting money into the game has a .000001 percent chance of obtaining Playboy Sasuke." So that makes it alright. It's not realistic in terms of getting it. You're applying a black and white view and instead of offering constructive criticism you're completely content with far past the point of very, very unlikely odds of getting Sasori.

I think the event should be changed the next time it comes up and future events should be handled differently. What's there is there; it can't be changed considering it would unbalance things and it's not fair to players. Being content with mediocrity isn't a way to improve this game, nor defending it with shoddy reasoning. I like this game, as I'm sure you and many others do. That's why we speak out. We want it to improve, we want the staff to have some idea of how to approach things in a better fashion the next time around. We enjoy the game, they bring in more profits as a business. It's win/win.
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On 2016-11-16 06:08:02Show this Author Only
  • Brian Eighties On 2016-11-16 04:41:50
  • With all respect your logic is inherently flawed. Following that basis you can say,"Well the event, even if you spent the max amount daily by putting money into the game has a .000001 percent chance of obtaining Playboy Sasuke." So that makes it alright. It's not realistic in terms of getting it. You're applying a black and white view and instead of offering constructive criticism you're completely content with far past the point of very, very unlikely odds of getting Sasori.

    I think the event should be changed the next time it comes up and future events should be handled differently. What's there is there; it can't be changed considering it would unbalance things and it's not fair to players. Being content with mediocrity isn't a way to improve this game, nor defending it with shoddy reasoning. I like this game, as I'm sure you and many others do. That's why we speak out. We want it to improve, we want the staff to have some idea of how to approach things in a better fashion the next time around. We enjoy the game, they bring in more profits as a business. It's win/win.
The person in question accused oasisgames of false advertising. This is a crime. I simply pointed out why it is not false advertising.

The guy was using his flawed logic just to create problems for them, so I used my flawed logic to end his. The moderators did say that they took the feedback into account already, so he really wasn't doing anybody any favors by going on with his narrative.

As for being satisfied with mediocrity, I never said I liked the event, in fact i strongly dislike it, but I don't go throwing accusations around. I do feel like the event was lackluster, specially considering it was an ingots only event, which is why I simply didn't give them any money with this event. I vote with my wallet. While I do agree with the latter part of your second paragraph, I feel like you missunderstood me. I am not so much defending the event as I am defending the moderators.

And do you honestly believe it's not clear to see that obtaining an 80 fragment super rare ninja from a wheel based on RNG one fragment at a time is not obviously hard?
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On 2016-11-16 06:40:10Show this Author Only
I'll agree with you that it's not false advertising from a technical standpoint. Do I think it's a good event? Not at all, so we're both on the same way there. There's a difference between difficult and just not happening for the most part even if you pay, which is what they as a business want you to do to begin with. It just isn't worth it but I do like what the event represents. I think if they were to balance it they'd make a lot of money. To those with common sense though, it's just not worth it unless the focus is on the minor prizes rather than Sasori. The expectation of getting him just isn't plausible.

Edit: I did misunderstand you, so no worries there! Rereading I can see where I got my lines crossed.
This post was last edited by BrianEighties at 2016-11-16 06:41
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On 2016-11-16 08:02:53Show this Author Only
The only thing i see about Sasori 100 puppets, it's a chance, not a guaranteed ninja, you should know this by now, when you waste your seals away, it's all about gambling your money away or your hard working seals you been getting through weeks, now imma say this, start farming on raw power, instead of gambling your chances on a ninja, then going into to the forums and complain that you were mislead, yeah Oasis games made few mistakes, and they are aware of it, but devs do not have the final decision as you may know.
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On 2016-11-16 11:24:05Show this Author Only
So cool cant wait
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On 2016-11-16 11:42:06Show this Author Only
  • Yuusuke On 2016-11-15 16:56:59
  • The exact wording is "you can obtain strong ninjas". This does not mean that you are guaranteed the strong ninjas if you spend enough ingots. It is highly unlikely, yes, but that does not completely erase the probability.
Sometimes it's hilarious to see oasis crew acting like their game is not a huge money grabber designed to trick players into throwing money in it.

"We never lie, we just present things in a deceptive way :) "
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On 2016-11-16 13:18:48Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-16 11:42:06
  • Sometimes it's hilarious to see oasis crew acting like their game is not a huge money grabber designed to trick players into throwing money in it.

    "We never lie, we just present things in a deceptive way :) "
Nowhere did we present things in a deceptive way.
Did we say that you could definitely win Sasori?
Did we say that you could definitely win the other worthwhile rewards?
The only thing that the event says is that you have a chance to obtain good rewards. If you spin it once, you are guaranteed something from the wheel, whether you think it is good or not.
So you'll excuse us if you failed to understand the event properly.

In addition, if any other players further try to accuse us of false advertising, I'll be deleting their posts since their claims are unfounded, and we will not tolerate this behaviour anymore.
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On 2016-11-16 15:36:52Show this Author Only
I kind of get why people are complaining but it clearly is a terrible event (the wheel of fortune). Because it is such a bad event don't waste any coupons or ignots on it and that solves that problem.

I spend a decent amount on this game and once I saw this event I just laughed and only saw it as something that gives you free items for a few days. Yes the wheel of fortune *s but at least for a few days you get free stuff. Ultimately it's a win win for everyone because you're getting free stuff. Also Sasori 100 puppets isn't event that great (yes I have him), I'd prefer a 4 star Sannin Oro over him if I was a free user.
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On 2016-11-16 18:09:03Show this Author Only
  • Yuusuke On 2016-11-16 13:18:48
  • Nowhere did we present things in a deceptive way.
    Did we say that you could definitely win Sasori?
    Did we say that you could definitely win the other worthwhile rewards?
    The only thing that the event says is that you have a chance to obtain good rewards. If you spin it once, you are guaranteed something from the wheel, whether you think it is good or not.
    So you'll excuse us if you failed to understand the event properly.

    In addition, if any other players further try to accuse us of false advertising, I'll be deleting their posts since their claims are unfounded, and we will not tolerate this behaviour anymore.
seriously why can't you just take the feedback to the publisher thats all. why must you reply in this manner and get defensive over a post. You can just delete this but note that this is in no way a mod should reply.
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On 2016-11-17 00:48:26Show this Author Only
This week events are crap and have poor value (except for getting GNW Tenten with coupons lol(that what i did)).So thank you, i can save up for the next great event probably lucky board again in a month...
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On 2016-11-17 09:31:03Show this Author Only
Can you guys make an event with Sailor Sakura,Playboy Sasuke, Sage Naruto, And ESPECIALLY Iruka, I need to get them and make them in like that star event and 20 coupons to spend on it ok because I REALLY need those characters:(
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On 2016-11-17 09:35:16Show this Author Only
Please Make an event with Iruka,Sailor sakura,Playboy Sasuke ,Sage Naruto,that is with coupons NOT golden ingots
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On 2016-11-17 09:37:14Show this Author Only
Sage Naruto or Mei would be incredible. That would make the meme of Fry saying take my money become plausible.
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On 2016-11-17 10:34:42Show this Author Only
Mei is coming out soon in Kage treasure, and I think she is one of the common ones like Orochimary Traitor
Quicky Post

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