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[ Events ] Events Nov 10th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 13:52:12Show All Posts
sad events as expected :) honestly is all due to the players screaming we want "tenten-chan " and stuff.
im sure they thought they gonna break banks. instead im sure its gonna be a huge dissapointment.

now u guys can scream we want we can ruin our hollydays events also.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 13:58:42Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-11-10 13:54:05
  • Actually these events are awesome like they said they would be.
if u can argument id love that.

the 8 gates sistem is like nice...not so hyped tho altho i have a huge silver stack. i know the event...dont expect the world to change. super i said keep the hype up...maybe we get minato for christmas and ruin those hollydays also.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 15:10:27Show All Posts
no offense ronaldfranklinw.e but at this point ure just spamming. Yes u are a guy with pain 1 month ago..on a 100th server or whatever. we get it u got $ to spend and all that *. Any ninja under any cir*stance is good for u...we get that too. but at this point ure failing to be emphatic with the rest of us. i never cryed in forum about w.e and i dont wanna blame the gm for "fake hype"is all good. im just sayin is not so great for ppls taht play the "wait" game. were stacking stuff..and plan..and save cupons in hope of getting the right the right time. we just had bigger hopes. a nerfed tenten was expected. if a bunch of ppls cry about it u could at least point some advantages u see ...argument why this is so good. all u do is rub it in our face. ure chasings posts prolly. cmon man. thats not how u win respect or w.e ure seeking. sry for my bad english. peace.
i saw the post above after posting this. just be more emphatic mate.
This post was last edited by s_s*** at 2016-11-10 15:12
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 15:13:59Show All Posts
about chakra sistem. anyone know the details?..or have some experience with it. whats a decent silver bank before hitting a big wall in lvling that. im guessing ofc that at some point the silver cost will be kinda high and we stop for a while. who knows how it goes.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 15:19:36Show All Posts
ronald my point is....ppls say events are not great.. u say its great...u dont really argument it and u leave the impression u like it coz u can afford it. Even if thats the case or not...u have to realize is really annoying when 5 ppls say this sux than 2 more says these are great and so on. Ure not thinking from the lower players point of view...or f2p for that matter. and is annoying as hell.

oh wow tenten...nerfed tenten..60 chakra round 2 so freaking great.
we live on harsh times where everyone on server use neji war or ao for that matter and is a control / burst team meta. Add tenten to that and i really fail to see her importance. Great IF she hits skill somehow...altho only p2w players have chakra nins that they can actually use....if she hits skill thru all that accupuncture meta then what...she takes half of your hp...paralize 2 nins wich seem so * to me...while we deal with nejis acc and ao....and thats it

go spend tons of cash for her...get her 2 star...and see how fail she is..

yes with mabui and buff she will be good...till then...sry if im not hyped for a +1 ninja atm.

i persoanlly want kages. that alone will make the game super good and diversity of teams with exponentially go up.
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