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[ Player Guide ] How to not make early mistakes, levels 1-50


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-09 04:34:06Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To
This guide was made specifically so you do not make early on mistakes like I did when I first started. This first one is the most important of all.
The other ones are mostly gameplay tips that if you don't do, you might regret later.
Not using the forums
Chances are, if you have encountered a problem, others before have likely encountered that same problem. The forums are a list of how not to make mistakes when you start the game, and helpful strategies that others have created and gathered to benefit you.
Wasting seal scrolls
Do not use any seal scrolls until level 50. Only use the free draws. This is beacuse at level 50 you unlock the tendo treasure, that contains some very powerful ninja. You can get powerful ninja from the seal treasure, but you can get most of them from the exchange shop. Always aim to pick up free seal scrolls when you can, but never use any coupons on them.
Throwing away free stuff
Online packs, chase missions, and events are all activities that new players regret. Always be on the lookout for free stuff, especially in the benefit hall and hot topics. Joining any group benefits you with free group lotteries and group skills, which can boost all of your ninjas stats.
Using coupons for things other than magmatas
Coupons are essentially free money, and you cannot waste them. Before you think about all the items you can buy with them, use them on buying magmatas for your gear. Never neglect your gear, or else you will be behind on power,and your team will be very weak.
Using bad ninjas for horrible formations
Last but not least on my list of what not to do, is a very common mistake. Read the ninja carefully before deciding where it goes. Your team should always consist of a healer, tank, attack, and attack.Your tank should be in the first row, your healer in your last, and your offense in the back or the middle row. As you get later on into the game you will unlock better ninjas, with other qualities that are better than other choices. Do not under estimate the power of buff and barrier ninjas. Many times having a buff or barrier ninja can be more beneficial to your team than 1 or 2 extra combos.

Thats all for now, and be sure to check on the forums for guides from other people and myself on ways to become a stronger ninja.

This post was last edited by ken*** at 2016-11-11 10:31
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 6
On 2016-11-11 10:32:39Show All Posts
I have added more information on the other qualities of ninjas, including buff and barriers. Thank you for contributing to the quality of this post.
Quicky Post

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