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[ Lineup ] Kakuzu should have Unyelding Passive!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-08 12:33:26Show All Posts
From canon prospective, it's not that he revives but that he can't die until he loses all 5 of his heart. So it makes more since for him to have 5 blocks of hp and an attack cannot damage "pass" a block (note each chase is its own attack for this purpose)
So if he have, for example, 10k hp, and a chase chain that WOULD deal the following damage happens:
2359+539+1240+394+2763+438 happens, he would take instead:
2000+539+1240+221+2000+438, ending at 3562 hp (instead of 2267)
This would mitigate different amount of damage depends on how the chain goes, if, for example, 394 and 2763 were switched, it would reduce damage by another 1500.

Healing wise, you can't revive a heart (block) but can heal pass it. So continuing previous example, if he is healed to 8323, the next attack can directly drop him down to 2000 should the damage be high enough.
Thou in theory, we can have him restore a heart everytime HE kills a character and that makes the character unrezable.

In other words, make his health a cross between regular hp and the "tough" hp we see in SA.
Quicky Post

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