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[ Suggestions ] GNW Tweak


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-06 06:25:29Show All PostsDescending Order
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Great Ninja War is often a crazy mix of fun and frustrating but is generally an event I absolutely love until I started noticing something odd. A rival group of mine started copying our same exact strat, even moving when we did. I know this because one of their seniors slipped up and said, "I think they are going to go." Then announced our entire move in world chat immediately after we moved and matched our exact zones. They've done this not once or twice but several times. We've already pretty much pinpointed who our mole is. Now I'll be the first to say I don't mind tough fights, hard fought wins make it all the sweeter to me, but when you have another group placing alternates in your group to spy on you that's another story altogether. My proposed tweak is simple.
Tweak: Make it where only Leaders and Seniors can see the lineup screen and be able to place ninja. Everyone else would just see the tournament splash screen with the outcomes. Leaders and Seniors do the lineups as is already. This would solve the problem of any spies if by chance you did have a spy the list of suspected people would be far less.

Now those of you who are going to say something to the effect of "It's part of the game get over it." or "This is a Ninja game, Ninja's were spies." That's all fine and good but in reality when a spy was caught after extracting whatever intel they could out of them they were generally killed. Give me the ability to kill someone for good who is a suspected spy causing them to lose their character since they're dead and I'll vote for that. All the silliness aside, though, this is something that has to change. Spies are becoming more common and having to switch your teams @ the last 30 seconds of the clock and hope like hell you don't screw up is another frustration altogether that could otherwise be irrelevant with this change.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
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On 2016-11-06 17:31:44Show All Posts
Thanks for all the support guys! I hope they do take this suggestion and run with it.
Quicky Post

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