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[ Events ] Events Nov 3rd


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On 2016-11-03 13:39:07Show this Author Only
Nice! thanks for the pictures :D
Hm...used up my saved up coupons for Konan ♥
Lets see if I can do anything for Animal Path lol
looking at the possible price and seems I might not be able to get her....maybe next time? :P
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On 2016-11-03 13:42:23Show this Author Only
any new ninja from event?
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On 2016-11-03 13:45:16Show this Author Only
thank you, still the best game I ever play and with this will always be *hug*
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On 2016-11-03 13:48:34Show this Author Only
Ahhhhh Lucky Board!! Thank you Devs. ^^ Always exciting to see new events as well.
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On 2016-11-03 13:50:29Show this Author Only
does any 1 know what's inside lucky ninja box o.0
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On 2016-11-03 13:57:22Show this Author Only
Probably Hashirama, I guess
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On 2016-11-03 14:09:32Show this Author Only
While I like the reintroduction of the Lucky Board as it's giving out good rewards even for ftp players (although I think p2w benefit waaaay more from it, which widens the gap even more..) I have to say I am quite sad to see the level cap increase.

On a LOT of servers players haven't even reached 80 yet (not sure if anyone even has on my server...) and in my opinion the game needs those level caps to allow ftps and light p2ws to catch up at least a little with the heavy p2w guys, thus balancing the game out a bit again.

If you take this away, AND don't introduce new Trasures like Kage treasures that'd further help re-balancing the game, you are setting the game up for big trouble that really wouldn't happen if things progressed at a slightly more natural pace.

I know you get a lot of people complaining on basically everything, do level cap increase (from the hand full that already are 80), don't do level increase (from everyone else..) but I think the most important thing is to have the game features at the same level as the character level. At this pace we'll have reached level 100 before even the Jinchuuriki Treasures will be there, let alone all the other features that should be present at the stages in between, and that's taking away a lot of the fun of the game I think.

It's nor nearly as cool if you reach level 90 with like...Sage Naruto and Hinata 5* as your main powerhouses, as it'd be with Fuu, Raikage or whoever...

Please make sure the rest of the content catches up to the level accordingly, the handfull of people that pumped it out to reach max level early will somehow survive.....
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On 2016-11-03 14:20:39Show this Author Only
  • Yasashii Fuyu On 2016-11-03 14:09:32
  • While I like the reintroduction of the Lucky Board as it's giving out good rewards even for ftp players (although I think p2w benefit waaaay more from it, which widens the gap even more..) I have to say I am quite sad to see the level cap increase.

    On a LOT of servers players haven't even reached 80 yet (not sure if anyone even has on my server...) and in my opinion the game needs those level caps to allow ftps and light p2ws to catch up at least a little with the heavy p2w guys, thus balancing the game out a bit again.

    If you take this away, AND don't introduce new Trasures like Kage treasures that'd further help re-balancing the game, you are setting the game up for big trouble that really wouldn't happen if things progressed at a slightly more natural pace.

    I know you get a lot of people complaining on basically everything, do level cap increase (from the hand full that already are 80), don't do level increase (from everyone else..) but I think the most important thing is to have the game features at the same level as the character level. At this pace we'll have reached level 100 before even the Jinchuuriki Treasures will be there, let alone all the other features that should be present at the stages in between, and that's taking away a lot of the fun of the game I think.

    It's nor nearly as cool if you reach level 90 with like...Sage Naruto and Hinata 5* as your main powerhouses, as it'd be with Fuu, Raikage or whoever...

    Please make sure the rest of the content catches up to the level accordingly, the handfull of people that pumped it out to reach max level early will somehow survive.....
I'm not sure them adding kage treasures would "re-balance" the game, since that would just open the gap even wider from the p2p and f2p base, I would think. Also, it's only an increase of 5 levels (no idea of how long leveling through that gap is gonna take).

I do agree with the adding of more permanent features, but I'm not a dev or a mod, and I fully trust in their ability to make the right decisions when it comes to implementing those things into the game. Really happy with the events, seems to be a really great balance of rewards for both f2p and p2p :)
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On 2016-11-03 14:22:14Show this Author Only
I think people that complain about lvl-cup increase never participate in Sage Battlefield. With 80-cup "mostly-f2p" players that plays from beginning and achive 75+ lvl can just skip this event - cuz they always fight with guys 35k+ power and yes, its really hard/impossible to win.

But after update all powerful guys run to 85 so we could fight with equivalent opponents and get some rewards and fun.
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On 2016-11-03 14:22:35Show this Author Only
Not so good characters to get :/ Thought the event would have something I really wanted but oh well, least new story is added.
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On 2016-11-03 14:25:24Show this Author Only
  • Yasashii Fuyu On 2016-11-03 14:09:32
  • While I like the reintroduction of the Lucky Board as it's giving out good rewards even for ftp players (although I think p2w benefit waaaay more from it, which widens the gap even more..) I have to say I am quite sad to see the level cap increase.

    On a LOT of servers players haven't even reached 80 yet (not sure if anyone even has on my server...) and in my opinion the game needs those level caps to allow ftps and light p2ws to catch up at least a little with the heavy p2w guys, thus balancing the game out a bit again.

    If you take this away, AND don't introduce new Trasures like Kage treasures that'd further help re-balancing the game, you are setting the game up for big trouble that really wouldn't happen if things progressed at a slightly more natural pace.

    I know you get a lot of people complaining on basically everything, do level cap increase (from the hand full that already are 80), don't do level increase (from everyone else..) but I think the most important thing is to have the game features at the same level as the character level. At this pace we'll have reached level 100 before even the Jinchuuriki Treasures will be there, let alone all the other features that should be present at the stages in between, and that's taking away a lot of the fun of the game I think.

    It's nor nearly as cool if you reach level 90 with like...Sage Naruto and Hinata 5* as your main powerhouses, as it'd be with Fuu, Raikage or whoever...

    Please make sure the rest of the content catches up to the level accordingly, the handfull of people that pumped it out to reach max level early will somehow survive.....
I agree, and as happy as I am that level cap is increasing, since I myself am level 80 currently on my server, I would much rather have more content included into the game before cap gets increased. Right now the problem isn't the level cap, it's the amount of content that is available.

Right now the game has very little things to do, which necessarily isn't horrible for those that don't have much time to play the game in the first place, but it also *s because once you finish your dailies and survival, there's not much else. You could continuously fight in Arena, which for low pop servers isn't even that great since the queue times can last a long time. You could wait for Team Instances, and Convoys and whatnot but those only take like 10minutes to do all your runs. Sage War is fun for those that are close in power but are horrible for those that are weak and lower level, Fighting Matsuri much the same, some people avoid it until the stronger people finish to just do theirs. Nine Tails is alright, but time consuming and some people don't even do it because it's slow and somewhat boring when your server takes the whole time to beat it or even worse failing to beat it after spending so much time attempting to.

Of course all the sort of content the Chinese servers, or other servers have that we don't, we will get eventually. It's just a matter of those who are willing to * around and wait, or just plain quit if you don't feel like waiting, and come back when those new content do come.

Just some of my thoughts.

This post was last edited by StrikeExia at 2016-11-3 14:27 This post was last edited by StrikeExia at 2016-11-3 14:28
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On 2016-11-03 14:28:27Show this Author Only
I want just to know if on my server only heavy p2w players have reached 80 (3) and rest is behind them for those players who registered little after server start thay can't even get 75 its pathethic, thay just getting melt in every way (every pvp events) i wanna know why you guys doin that
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On 2016-11-03 14:30:55Show this Author Only
Lucky board is decent, it's very efficient for your ingot usage.
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On 2016-11-03 14:33:45Show this Author Only
  • loooool On 2016-11-03 13:38:25
  • thought that was asuma for a second fml
was it 1st hokage last time? thats what i heard anyways, i just started, how hard is it to get the lucky box on the board?
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On 2016-11-03 14:39:53Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-03 14:33:45
  • was it 1st hokage last time? thats what i heard anyways, i just started, how hard is it to get the lucky box on the board?
yea hashi goin to be as rare drop from it again,i tink 200 coupons was 2 boxes or smth like it
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On 2016-11-03 14:40:54Show this Author Only
  • TheDragz On 2016-11-03 14:39:53
  • yea hashi goin to be as rare drop from it again,i tink 200 coupons was 2 boxes or smth like it
how many boxes do you need to get him? or is it completely random luck. you could go through 100 and not see him or get him in 5
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On 2016-11-03 14:41:23Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-03 14:40:54
  • how many boxes do you need to get him? or is it completely random luck. you could go through 100 and not see him or get him in 5
Getting him is by chance
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On 2016-11-03 14:43:32Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-03 14:41:23
  • Getting him is by chance
oh no.... i can't do anymore chances. my luck is too horrid T_T

but thank you for letting me know.
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On 2016-11-03 14:44:04Show this Author Only
I wonder how much it will cost to get animal path pain. I really want her!
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On 2016-11-03 14:53:00Show this Author Only
Roughly 60 bucks for a pain.

Anyone know any good line up with animal pain/jigokudo??

I already have sailor sakura and shurado. not sure if which one is more worth .. another healer for more versatile team comps or animal pain
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