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[ Strategy Share ] The Final Trial (Chapter 8 plot instance)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-29 09:16:51Show All PostsDescending Order
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So it seems peeps who made it to the final mission of chapter 8 is having a hard time getting it to 3 stars. It took some testing but this is the comp that I used to beat it easy. I will let you know now that iruka will die when you fight all the paines in the blue portal but that's the only death I had.
I showed my power as well so people can have an idea of what I had when I beat it. Mind you my iruka was only 2stars. The best thing about this comp is that you can auto the fights and be okay.
With my power I only lost Iruka but I had full health on everyone else. Earth main becomes so tanky they can't kill him. I would put a vid but I dont have any kind of program to do it plus since you can auto there isn't much to show.
If you guys have any questions feel free to ask!
Quicky Post

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