So I just hit level 50, I have a 'few' questions;
1) I was advised by multiple sources to save Seal Scrolls for level 70 but also from others to save them for level 50. I own 21, should I save them for 70 or use some now at 50?
2) Is there any reason to save Summon Scrolls? Should I also save those for 70? Or just use them now?
3) Similarly to the above, I've gotten the impression that using seal scrolls with the x10 *on is better th*ing 10 one at a time. Could you please explain what difference this actually makes? Also does the same apply to Summon Scrolls?
4) Mood/Mood Scrolls - So far I've just ignored this part of boosting my ninja, mainly because I don't know how best to utilise it and didn't want to waste resources. I get the it costs Meat * to reroll the attributes that a ninja will get bonuses to from mood. Does the benefit reset if you Refresh the stat type after Strengthened the mood? Also, any suggestions as to which attributes are the ones to go for for a Water Main would be appriciated.
5) Group Skills - What exactly does the Damage Reduction Gains/Life Recovery benefit? Dmg Red seems odd as I'm unaware of any self damage (except perhaps attacking Hyuga evasion? Which seems worthless to care about reducing. Life Recovery I assume increases the effect of healing, but the description talks about Unrecovered Stamina, so I'm not 100% sure what it actually does.
6) Is there an easily readable list of all the summons and their effects? I expect someone would have created one to make it easier to figure out which summon would be best for your specific line up. If anyone could link to it that'd be great, providing one does exist.
I think that's all the quesitons I've got. Bit longer than I intended this to be, however if you are able to answer/advise on even 1 of them I'd greatly appriciate it, thanks.