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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-28 22:13:50Show All Posts
1) It depends which rares you want more, a lot of people are saving for Kage Treasure already cause they got ones they want, or not interested in Tendo/Sage rares.

2) Yes, but rather then level save them for summon rebate event, you get more value from them.

3) Using 10 at once guarantees at least one 3 star ninja or a purple summon, you still get same amount of rares, roughly every 60, but more ''normal'' ninjas/summons.

4) Using meat* does not reset mood level, and for Water main i have +Hp -Atk, other option is +Nin -Atk but i find health much better after trying both.

5) Damage Reduction - You take less damage, it works for all Nin and Tai damage, not just self inflicted one. Life Recovery - life regeneration every round. At level 40 you have 120, so you heal 120 every turn on all ninjas for example. Nothing to do with stamina, just translations in this game are not that great.

6) I found the Summon > Contract list good enough, when you need find specific ones you c*e the Pursuit Status, Create Status menus. So you can search and see all summons that chase low float for example.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-29 00:24:17Show All Posts

There is no such bonus for bond scrolls, i think 10x there is just for convenience because you find like 20 of them per day.
The attack penalty is not noticeable at all since it's her worst stat in terms of growth rates, i loose about 50~ attack. Consider my attack is near 5k and normaly chase hits 500~ vs same power enemies in pvp, it's like 10 damage loss at worst.

Main will use the passive chase first, then summon chase after.

This post was last edited by Dym at 2016-10-29 00:27
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-01 00:10:57Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-31 09:13:05
  • Thought I had replied to this, must've not hit post.

    Thank you for the explanation and clarification with the chase order.

    Another question I've gotten now I hit 53 (and unlocked the second summon spot on the contracts).

    8) How should I go about equipping the runes?
    At first I assumed whichever one summon I have being used should be given all the runes (since logic would mean that only that summon's stats would be in effect as it is the one being used), however I noticed when I swapped which one I am using my power didn't change.
    8a) Do you get the stat boost from all 3 (once the 3rd slot is unlocked) Summons you have in the contract slots or just the one you have set to use within the talent page?

    8b) Should I upgrade runes the same way as Magatama, by filling every available slot before upgrading that type of rune? And so equip all 3 summons with at least a level 1 Rune A before upgrading any of Rune A? If you do get the stats from all 3 (not just the one selected in the talents page) I assume this is the way to go, if not I assume going all in on a single summon's equipment would be better.
Runes and summons work fine from all 3 (you get their stats), doesn't matter if you are using that summon or not, just need to have 3 summons equipped to get the bonus from them all. So it's smart to equip your orange summons even if you don't use them, just for extra stats.

And yeh it's best to upgrade all to 2, then all to 3 and etc. You get a lot more stats per group feats/summon scrolls.
Quicky Post

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