Greetings Ninjas! Have you ever wondered how to combine Midnight Blade with Sakura? Below, you can check one of the possible lineups to combine Midnight Blade with Sakura.
Recommended Lineup:
Recommended Talents (summon: Lightning Tiger King or White Tiger)
Strategy: this is a winning lineup using Konoha ninjas. In this lineup, we didn’t any ninja with a Barrier skill, being more of a common lineup. The ninjas present in this lineup are all Konoha ninjas, Iruka gives all the units in your lineup a Shield and a 30% Ninjutsu bonus for all Konoha ninjas, even after the ninjas Shield has been weakened, Iruka’s Shield should still be holding, therefore, his Shield ability is considerably powerful. Once Sasuke action starts, Sakura’s Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Resistance will get a bonus of 30%. Every ninja in this lineup is in perfect harmony, Sakura is matching the lineup with her healing abilities, it is a wear-resistant lineup. Step-by-step Tips (might have to be adjusted in accordance to the opponent’s lineup)
Round 1: Once the battle starts, Passive skills will come into effect. Iruka’s Mystery skill, capable of causing , is a tricky move and can be used to interrupt an opponent’s barrier, among others.
Round 2: In accordance to the lineup you are facing, you should choose to launch either Move 1 or Move 2’s Mystery skill, causing to your opponent’s lineup.
Round 3: In this turn, Sakura abilities will come into use. Due to Midnight Blade and Sasuke enjoying from Midnight Blade’s Passive skill, Root of Warrior, during Round 2, Sakura’s Mystery skill waited until Round 3 to be used. Until Round 3, both players have lost Life, Sakura’s Mystery skill is a skill, therefore it can be used right after the opponent’s launched his Mystery skill. After being healed by Sakura, you just need to continue using Mystery skills to attack.
*Suggestions and Vulcanic Erruptions are also accepted. Please post any idea you have! Thank you! :P
This post was last edited by Sanamabits at 2016-10-28 16:31