Hello, It's pretty cool that we can now refine extra 5* ninja fragments. I think this is a permanent addition in this game, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. However, someone posted in future there should be a skillbook feature where we could upgrade our existing ninja skills with fragments. Is it true? Should I hold onto my fragments then, especially on main character? I remember a picture was also posted as an example, showing kakauzu's chase skills doing ignition and paralyze after upgrade. Also, can we do selective refinements here? Like, I want to keep all extra fragments of my main character, but use all guy and hinata fragments. Can I do that?
But we alreay have in group deidara so or thay change it and that mean does im wasting my points so i guess we gonna see konan in survival then ? This post was last edited by TheDragz at 2016-10-28 01:32
I cant imagine them putting Konan in survival, its just too good to be true.