2017-05-08 17:40:01
Thank you for your kind appreciation but oasis doesn't give me any coupons. I am a normal player like most of the community.
First: Not really for the current available ninjas you have the best formation for fire main imo.
Second and Third: Normal Tenten isn't that great like GNW tenten. Here are the GNW temari formation edited in empress lineup. They are not perfect, you can tweak them as per your need, hope it helps you.
p.s. Combo doesnt matter much, you need to have status effect like acupuncture in chase to stop opponent's mystery which always give you a upper hand.
Thanks for your comments it did help a lot. Recently I got GNW Kankuro, KC Temari, Orochimaru (from Elite instances) and Fu Yamanaka(I know he is meh, but I mention him anyway) there's a better team considering my new ninjas? I also tought about just using Gaara at 2* just to make a Wind team but I'm not so sure about this. This post was last edited by Etsumari at 2017-5-12 12:15