He lead you to the correct and respective area of the forums where the information could be found. I don't see what the problem is. If you were angry about his sarcastic manner, I could understand that.
You don't have to constantly 'lurk' the forums in order to find something; many people, including myself, have found stuff by simply using the search function, and I don't 'lurk' the forums 24/7, like you suggested, in order to have the proficiency to do it. Any NORMAL individual can do it - you just need to try.
If you're having issues with looking up a certain piece of information, I suggest you learn how to navigate around the forums. It's not a bad time to learn.
I also have a life that I need to take care, just like everybody else, so before you start using that as an excuse, start seeing things from a more broad perspective.
I apologize for taking the thread in a more off-topic direction, but I've seen countless amount of individuals stumble around in the dark when the information is literally right there for the taking, so I needed to say something.
If you took it as an insult, I'm sorry.