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[ Ninja Profile ] Temari - Ninja Discussion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 40
  • Posts: 18
On 2016-10-23 07:27:04Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Source: -Instance (lvl 30, 40, 60 Elite Instance);- 7 Day Login Gift - Day 2


Mystery: Hurricane Jutsu
Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected enemy. For firther use, cause Ninjutsu damage to the enemy's entire team and Repulse to the selected enemy.
CD: 3 rounds
Battlefield CD: none
Chakra use: 20
Additional status: repulse

Standard: Taijutsu Attack
Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of a Triple Combo and Low Float.
Passive: Confidence
Significantly increase Ninjutsu and Taijutsu attack attributes when life is full.
Chase: Wind Style - *ing
Chase and Attack the Low Floated enemy and cause High Float.

Mystery: Hurricane Jutsu
Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected enemy. For firther use, cause Ninjutsu damage to the enemy's entire team and Repulse to the selected enemy.
CD: 4 rounds
Battlefield CD: none
Chakra use: 20
Additional status: repulse

Standard: Taijutsu Attack
Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of a Triple Combo and Low Float.
Passive: Courage
At the begining of a combat, increase 20 chakra points for your own team.
Chase: Wind Style - *ing
Chase and Attack the Low Floated enemy and cause High Float.
Passive: Confidence
Significantly increase Ninjutsu and Taijutsu attack attributes when life is full.

My thoughts:
Her chase name perfectly describes her, lol just kidding (your move for a wind pun @Aokawa). Anyway, I used Temari when i got her day 2 since she's the first 2 star i got and i didn't know better and now for some reason i don't have her 3 star. Everything about her screams Wind main Tailed Beast team, a WindBladesuma wannabe.
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 16
On 2016-10-30 12:00:02Show this Author Only
Only really one thing comes to mind.

Quicky Post

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