Daisake-san or any mod here, please consider this feedback about the keys from this event:
It would help a lot if limited key events like this drop key more frequently or maybe have a certain drop feature, since they are limited anyway. I understand many players have stated about this 'rare' drop and many times it has been answered as a RNG or luck factor, it only make players pissed.
Ok, here are my stats so far:
Day 1: about 700 stamina used to get 10 keys. I usually save stamina on event reset day. 300 extra stamina helped to do this without using any pot.
Day 2: approx 600 stamina used to get 8 key. I gave up after last 3 stamina pots gave nothing.
Day 3: 'Bad luck' continues. about 200 stamina, not a single key. Is it really necessery to make things like this? edit: Ok, I'm done with this * event. 400 stamina used to sweep and 1 key drop in total. I'm gonna pretend that there aren't even any event this week. Will finish SA and go on as usual. As a feedback: thank you very much for giving this 'excellent' event.:curse:
This is a 'limited' event. Last plate event, there was no per day limit, yet I managed to get better statistics than this every single day. How come this event is so messed up? Its just some key, even if someone managed to get every single 'free' keys, there will hardly be anything to redeem without buying keys from shop.
Can it be made easier please? I have never been lucky in the 3 month I have played so far, but this event's key drops is even worse.
A lot of players players(including myself) will appreciate it a lot if future event like these drops are more consistent.
PS. - This is just me, but, I'll just compare drop rates at the end of today. If it's same as before, I'm going to give up in this week altogether. Haven't even done a single SA this week (there wasn't any leftover stamina). Instead of wasting, it make more sense to save stamins pots for a better event, and by better I mean better drop rate.
This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-10-23 12:26