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[ Strategy Share ] Looking for advice/directions. Earth main (Crimson Fist)


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On 2016-10-20 15:25:42Show All PostsDescending Order
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Earth Main, the Crimson Fist, just hit level 35. Upgraded all my gear to +1, got mostly level 1-2 Magatama, Awakened my lineup of Hinata (almost 2-stars), Kankuro, and 2-star Sasuke. Starting to get into tougher fights, especially with State Immunity. Don't have a Group yet, will accept applications for mature, MMO-savvy groups that are active after midnight EST.

As a F2P, what can I do to hit the next tier of play? What ninja should I prioritize in getting fragments for? What moods should they have? Where should I be spending my coupons? I'm stacking my Seal/Bond Treasure until I get 10, as I read earlier. What magatama and equipment stat "strengthens" should I prioritize for which ninja? I'm pretty sure that stacking lots of life, defense, and resist on myself and Hinata, Attack and Ninjutsu on myself, Kankuro, and Sasuke is the right way to go, but I want to confirm.

Is Sweeping instances a waste, or should I always take the time to go through them manually?

Feel free to add any other advice/suggestions that you feel I should know, even if you think they should be obvious or common knowledge.
This post was last edited by The Barbarian Gamer at 2016-10-20 15:28
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