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[ Events ] Events Oct 20th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-20 19:59:17Show All Posts
You have to realise that we have schedule. All updates are based on this schedule. We can't update game whenever players asks for new update/ninja/feature.

We will updates shops at the right time.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-20 21:19:59Show All Posts
  • Kaigen On 2016-10-20 20:07:55
  • So all that bluster about "listening to players" and delivering what we want is bull then, I mean if your defense is that you have a schedule and everything is based around this inflexible schedule, then what we want or ask for is irrelevant if it does not coincide with this schedule you must keep.

    So stop saying you are listening to us if all you are doing is following a set schedule.

    Open mouth, insert foot.
It's pretty easy to hate and be negative when you have no idea how our schedule looks.

You also have no idea how many things and updates we rushed just to satisfy our players. This version is old only 3 months. We already increased level cap, added Battle armor and we are adding new ninjas almost every week. This week we got Sailor Sakura, last week it was Choza.

I can tell you that except Shop update (which will happen in 2 weeks), you can expect more things by the end of the mont/next month.

Have a nice day.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-20 21:47:37Show All Posts
  • Belerephon On 2016-10-20 21:46:46
  • Appreciate the reply keep up the good work, is it safe to assume that will we be able to get sailor Sakura again since 99% of players won't be able to get her in one go. I'm a paying player and I pretty much not willing to spend more than 1-2k ingots on an event nm like 5k which is crazy for Sakura.
You don't need 5 000 ingots for Sailor Sakura (for 3 star version).
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On 2016-10-20 22:01:23Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2016-10-20 22:00:07
  • the time limited ninja recruitment isn't working right?
What do you mean ? It is working.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-20 22:17:57Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2016-10-20 22:09:54
  • if its working than its not in my hot topics and im level 29 and its not only me in our server 175
Server 175 is new server. Servers that are opened for less than 7 days won't receive this event. Sorry.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-20 22:18:49Show All Posts
  • Kaigen On 2016-10-20 22:16:24
  • Is there a character limit or something? It's not letting me post a lengthy retort calling out daiske's contradictions with azunachan but there is no bad language that would cause it to be blocked.
There shouldn't be any character limit. Probably it contains banned phrase ? You can just screen your text and post it as picture.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 00:47:03Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-21 00:34:21
  • Btw where is the time limited ninja recruitment ? i cant find it ingame..
Servers that are opened for less than 7 days won't receive this event. On what server are you playing ?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 03:52:22Show All Posts
Guys, Azuna is only forum assistant. She is not in charge of events or updates. So it is useless asking her when will what happen.

If there will be something we can share with you, we (mods) will do it.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 04:52:43Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-21 04:16:53
  • So, are you saying it will update in two weeks, or it wont? If she leaked the details, we USA players would love to know so we don't get our hopes up. Quite frankly, we're... What? 10 updates behind Chinese servers? We're missing a helluva lot of content...

    To put it frankly: I am not sure why Oasgames decided to launch the base Naruto Online game version and not the updated version... We're missing 2/3 of the ninja roster... We're missing Skill Upgrades for 4*-5* ninjas... We're missing a lot of Ninja Exam battles... We're missing plot missions, at least 20 levels of the level cap... That's a lot of content for a game like this to be missing.

    With it leaked there can be a potential update in the near future, that's a precedent for disaster that you need to rectify... Will it be there, or wont it be there? If it's leaked that there's going to be an update by somebody who shouldn't be saying such bold claims in the first place, and players take that to heart, people could leave the game when it doesn't happen. I think you've a PR issue here...
She didn't leak anything. We were allowed to share this information, I was about to post it but she was faster, that's it.

And as I stated in my previous comment, you can expect more, not only shop update.


About your question why are we behind. We are new version, it is only 3 months since we opened first server. Why are we starting from zero ? China was there too, only few ninja, only few functions and features. I don't understand why it should be different for English or any other version.


All I am going to say is (and this is the last time) :

- Shop update will be hitting our version in next 2 weeks, we won't share what shops and what ninjas we will add.
- There is really high chance that except shop update, you will be able to see more than that. What is it ? Well, who knows ? : )
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 04:58:08Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-10-21 04:52:39
  • No no not Kaizer Scion Storm Scion Storm has played the game fir II years
It doesn't matter if it's Kaizer, Scion or any other player - they are still normal players. As anyone else, they both can send us their suggestions on how to improve our game, our events. Everyone is welcome to share their opinions.


And with this I am ending this discussion about other players, youtubers or updates. If you will continue in this discussion, we will close this thread.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-22 20:28:53Show All Posts
  • sassssasa On 2016-10-22 15:49:43
  • i dont see the ninja event. what happen? i am level 39. is there a level restriction?
On what server are you playing ?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-23 06:31:12Show All Posts
  • LDerze On 2016-10-23 00:59:59
  • Just asking, is it possible or are you guys planning on changing the ARENA ranks ( rewards ) anytime soon?

    If yes, anything is fine!!!!
    If no, =/ ...... Anyone else thinks this would be a good idea?
No, plans for that at the moment.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-24 19:58:00Show All Posts
  • Izuna-san On 2016-10-24 00:52:57
  • Daiske or AzunaChan do you have any information regarding level cap raise to 90 or further?
    Just hit that experience cap and was wondering about it, also pretty sure there's more servers where similar situation exist (people maxed out on experience)
Nope, no plans for that at the moment. We just increased level cap to level 80.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-27 00:28:01Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-26 11:24:04
  • The reason I think it should be different is because you aren't starting from scratch, China did not have the ability to update quickly where as other versions that are just copying China can update whenever they want to. Though I care way less about updates than I do server merges since my server is lifeless and it makes the game dull.
That is not correct. We can't update this game whenever we want.
Quicky Post

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