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[ Events ] Events Oct 20th


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On 2016-10-20 11:30:32Show All Posts
  • Psyence On 2016-10-20 10:53:17
  • Hey! In all fairness, she didn't explicitly mention that it was due to the coding or anything technical related that the shops haven't been updated yet. Preparations can mean a lot of things, and I totally understand why you'd want them to be a bit more transparent with what they mean by "preparations" but it's not being fair to them either by automatically assuming that "preparations" mean it's technical.

    From my point of view, shop updates will not likely come anytime soon at all. Until at least the game goes through another major update i.e. Kage Treasures.

    This is because game developers (especially games that do not receive any monthly subscription from its player base and their only form of revenue is through in-game purchases) would want to keep the game balance in check as much as they can.

    By updating the shops right now, would me*most ALL players have access to rare ninjas they would usually not have access to unless they've paid for them and the game balance will be changed very drastically. As much as they would want to please every one of their players, doing so would only make players who have obtained them through monetary means very unhappy and that's gonna affect a huge source of their revenue in future.

    So coming from their perspective, i'm guessing the concern lies mainly on the balance of the game currently, and how progressive these updates are. From a business perspective, they will try but it's almost impossible to keep everyone happy and if they were to choose, they are definitely going to choose customers who have the ability to spend.
Rare ninjas? mid tier ninjas like konan and deidara aren't supposed to be "rare" they are only rare because of the way OG is going about updating the game. They don't have to update the shop to the point its at in china right now, just give us the gnw characters that we have had in our monthly login rewards and itachi konan deidara (i mean seriously how many more events are you going to milk itachi before you put him in the shop, he isn't even remotely decent until skill books anyway)
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On 2016-10-20 11:43:53Show All Posts
  • Hayate Kakashi On 2016-10-20 11:38:19
  • Soon doesn't only mean days or weeks it c*so mean months. That's why movies say coming soon even though it will not come out until half a year from now or even longer. So technically their is nothing wrong with them saying soon. It's the players fault for assuming soon means days or weeks from now. Just be patient this game has been out for only 3 months.
just because the game has only been out for 3 months doesn't mean they have to update slowly, its not like they are making any content or anything, all of it is just copy paste. If they want their playerbase to * around they should probably update faster. Lots of small stuff we don't have that wouldn't hurt them to just add now.
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On 2016-10-20 11:45:17Show All Posts
  • Psyence On 2016-10-20 11:41:27
  • Again, think of this from a business perspective. They will do whatever they can to listen to our feedback, but P&L will always be their top priority when running a business. The only reason why we are eager to get these updates and know that Konan, Deidara etc. are not exactly that strong (Konan is still insanely strong btw) is because we've seen what do the Chinese/German servers already have and tend to compare it to what's available to us and i don't think that's a fair comparison.

    Chinese servers are a good 2 years ahead of us, and like some of them have pointed out, we already got our updates earlier than some of the other servers. At this point, Konan, Deidara and Itachi are still considered rares and they can still impact this current meta by a lot.

    I believe patience is a virtue in everything, so let's just be patient and wait for updates to come in time to come. This post was last edited by Psyence at 2016-10-20 11:42
They really aren't very good rn, Konan is the best out of them by a ton but that's just because she buffs other akatsuki members who are better than her, but those 3 ninjas are immensely better with skill books which is easily 6-8 months away, maybe a year at this rate. They don't even have to give those, but let us grab some frags for the people who only got half of gnw kiba or half of gnw shino etc, having a 2 star gnw kiba is pretty lame just because the server was opened mid month. my server has maybe 20 active players left if that, sage war never starts, ninetails has never died, people get bored and quit when there is nothing to do, nothing to work toward, when you have every ninja in the shop 5 star that you want what is there for you to do? Even if I have patience it doesn't mean other people on my server will and the more people that quit the more boring it is and the less incentive I have to spend. There ARE ways of making money while keeping your playerbase happy and enjoying the game. This post was last edited by まだまだ at 2016-10-20 11:53
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On 2016-10-20 12:02:37Show All Posts
  • Hayate Kakashi On 2016-10-20 11:56:25
  • They do update faster. Chinese and German server updates was slower compared to ours.
Chinese updated slower (not by much) because they had to create the game? Why do we have to go through all the faults that china went through just because they had to actually work on their game? NA doesn't have to do anything except decide when they want to make the game better.
Like where is our ability to save our teams? Or the combo simulator that gets built into the game? These things do not hurt OG to release early they just make the game better.
This post was last edited by まだまだ at 2016-10-20 12:05
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On 2016-10-20 12:14:52Show All Posts
  • Psyence On 2016-10-20 12:03:00
  • i think you are trying to justify your assumptions which isn't exactly a very wise thing to do. then again, does every other player in your server has 5* ninjas from the shops and have 16K coins sleeping around still? if so then yes we are probably very far behind the updates.

    These updates take time, and if you have been playing other games, they all pretty much follow the same pattern. I totally understand why you'd want some of the previous daily login GNW characters to be included into the shops, and we can only wish for that to happen in some events, but again, patience.

    If your server is down to 20 active players then the issue is not really about game content already isn't it? Server 1 & 2 has been out the longest and they are still very very populated, it has been mentioned before that the servers will be merged in future and that's where these issues will be alleviated. Again, patience. Players do come and go and for players who can't wait, why not move on to another game, so you don't have to grief over this every time the server goes through maintenance?
what assumptions am I making? The reason my server has no players (S48) is because they made too many servers, just because china has a ton of servers doesn't mean we should (china has one billion more people th*) literally every server I have logged into on china you can't even see the floor there are so many people, all times of the day, but on NA I got what, 3 people @ home area?
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On 2016-10-20 12:22:35Show All Posts
  • Sourav On 2016-10-20 12:17:57
  • This guessing part is good. Let me try this a bit. (Hint: Not all of them is from konoha, someone with water attribute, someone that can clear debuffs)-

    1) One of them is Female - Pretty vague. But, I'd guess this one isn't so rare, other 3 looks more exciting.

    2) One of them has a summon - Animal path comes first in mind. I mean, 3rd hokage shouldn't be so soon, right? or, is it?

    3) One of them is heavily sought after - there are quite a few who people wants badly. Who can it be, gnw tenten ? Konan ? Swimsuite Ino? Asuma wb ? Though, I have a hunch it'd be Gakido, as per hint.

    4) One of them is super annoying in GNW - Traitor orochimaru comes first in mind. But, maybe there are a few more on this category?

    Guess have to wait 8 more hours to find out.
4 tail naruto is the most annoying gnw character lol maybe its him again
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On 2016-10-20 12:33:13Show All Posts
  • Psyence On 2016-10-20 12:26:39
  • Assumptions like it's just a copy and paste for Devs to implement an update? Again, we don't know what they are dealing with, so don't just automatically assume everything is "easy" to them.

    Seems like you have too much angst playing this game, i really suggest you join the Chinese servers since you are full of praises for them or just change to a different game entirely since this game ticks you off that much.
I am on the chinese servers, its pretty fun but hard to play with lag and dcs. That is not an assumption btw, what are they doing? This is china's game. The only work they have to do is translation, and have you even read the main characters skills? so many of them aren't translated correctly even 3 months in, that's just lazy maybe I'd take them more seriously if it wasn't so easy to tell they don't care about their players at all
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On 2016-10-20 12:40:01Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-10-20 12:38:32
  • Hate to tell ya this but this iz the Chinese Version Earlier build of the Chinese Version
Exactly, they could give us the fully updated game in a few minutes work, not that they should but yeah we are playing on a pretty early chinese patch.
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On 2016-10-20 12:42:00Show All Posts
  • Rozuka On 2016-10-20 12:39:36
  • We have literally gotten every update that even Germany got faster and with more stuff. They are progressing us fairly quickly considering the fact that we have a much smaller player base, which in turn means less revenue. I'm not trying to put them on a pedestal but no matter what money talks. We simply don't have the numbers to warrant a massive rush of events and updates towards us. Especially considering how many players in our region are entirely free so they won't even benefit a ton from having 7-8 events at a time like China does. There are so many things you aren't considering. Psyence has put up quite a few solid points but you are ignoring every one of them and repeating yourself. The whole point is either be patient and wait or leave and come back. It isn't rocket science.
You know what I like about Germany? Them having half of our amount of servers. I like that more than the better version of the game they are playing on. Mod hasn't replied in response to my server never getting to do sage war anymore so I think its pretty fair to complain (: This post was last edited by まだまだ at 2016-10-20 12:43
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On 2016-10-20 12:48:53Show All Posts
  • Nara Temari On 2016-10-20 12:46:43
  • The real question is that if we have such a small player base compared to Germany, why do they keep opening new servers?
    And before you respond with "server merges later" when I've asked about that, it's MONTHS in the future.
    People will quit playing before they merge simply because there's no one left in the server to play.
    As the current top group in our server, I would much rather be the last group out of 8 than the top group out of 4 like now. It's no fun. I enjoy doing the plot missions (which I rarely get since it's taken me over a week to get from level 76 to 78), but the community is just plain lacking. It's close to impossible to get a straight answer or have a conversation with any of the people running this game.
Mod said a year later for server merges actually, not months. I remember because of how disappointing it was to read.
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On 2016-10-20 12:52:31Show All Posts
  • Nara Temari On 2016-10-20 12:49:51
  • Maybe Ao?
    Or perhaps it's just a happy day for water mains with lots of money, like Tobirama?

    I can't continue spending minimum $50 a week on this game, I will go broke.
    I would be much more happy pay a one time fee or a yearly subscription for a certain amount of ingots, than continue to get calls from my credit card about su*ious reoccurring charges to a foreign online gaming site.
Its not even worth spending rn except on monthly card pack. Save your money for later you won't regret it.
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On 2016-10-20 13:01:30Show All Posts
  • RayneRaven On 2016-10-20 12:58:33
  • Dunno why people are hating. Events are not up, yet and I can see tons of negative comments about it.
    Btw. ofc they make p2w events, they need to make money to run the game. If everyone would be f2p the game wouldn't exist. So stop being greedy about the events people seriously, f2p players are getting more than enough of free content.
There are better methods of making money than spamming new servers and killing your game. No one can prove me wrong on that point and its why a mod would never reply to this statement in a million years.
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On 2016-10-20 13:13:19Show All Posts
  • Nara Temari On 2016-10-20 13:07:28
  • That was me last night. I had 28 saved scrolls and drew 10 twice from Sage and got Baki and Kakashi. and I was like "dammit man I want a new ninja", so I bought 30 more.
    *pulls Ao* and I had 8 left over so I was like, "well it's only 2 more- NO NARA DONT SPEND ANYMORE- but I couldn't help it because I had a 20% discount in the event.
    Then I pulled 10 puppets Chiyo
    I don't know why I was even so happy to pull her, I can't seem to make her work with my water main, and I won't switch.
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On 2016-10-20 13:29:26Show All Posts
  • Nara Temari On 2016-10-20 13:25:17
  • Issue there is I don't have the Gamaken summon yet :( Plus when people see her they just automatically gun for her, and when she goes down it tends to ruin the team.
yeah she's really not that great a character but its fun to see the huge combos go off.
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On 2016-10-20 13:43:06Show All Posts
  • Sourav On 2016-10-20 13:41:26
  • wait, this plate event is going to continue in this week too?
    Does the rewards reset?
literally says it ends today so..doubt it
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On 2016-10-20 14:05:24Show All Posts
  • TheIxion On 2016-10-20 14:02:56
  • Nope, a mod has removed it lol. As for the plate event it's supposed to have ended, but i've seen people still turning in plates, didn't get any scrolls though.
    Also mods, care to explain why the image was removed? It's legit from s17 you're free to come see for yourself, one of you is going rogue why?
    This post was last edited by yoj*** at 2016-10-20 14:04
Usually you can still redeem stuff from previous events for a while after they end but you can't get any more scrolls.
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On 2016-10-20 14:24:10Show All Posts
"generous rewards"
couldnt at least be meat*? This post was last edited by まだまだ at 2016-10-20 14:29
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On 2016-10-20 14:34:39Show All Posts
  • TheIxion On 2016-10-20 14:32:34
  • It's because as far as i'm aware, you can't draw Kirin from the actual treasure, you have to redeem frags from the store and it's like 12k summon points or w/e per 5 frags.
I don't know why, its not like kirin is any better than the other gold summons.
Quicky Post

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