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[ Events ] Events Oct 20th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 04:36:49Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-21 04:16:53
  • So, are you saying it will update in two weeks, or it wont? If she leaked the details, we USA players would love to know so we don't get our hopes up. Quite frankly, we're... What? 10 updates behind Chinese servers? We're missing a helluva lot of content...

    To put it frankly: I am not sure why Oasgames decided to launch the base Naruto Online game version and not the updated version... We're missing 2/3 of the ninja roster... We're missing Skill Upgrades for 4*-5* ninjas... We're missing a lot of Ninja Exam battles... We're missing plot missions, at least 20 levels of the level cap... That's a lot of content for a game like this to be missing.

    With it leaked there can be a potential update in the near future, that's a precedent for disaster that you need to rectify... Will it be there, or wont it be there? If it's leaked that there's going to be an update by somebody who shouldn't be saying such bold claims in the first place, and players take that to heart, people could leave the game when it doesn't happen. I think you've a PR issue here...
He already confirmed that there will be shop updates in 2 weeks
Quicky Post

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