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[ Events ] Events Oct 20th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-21 05:17:57Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-10-21 04:52:43
  • She didn't leak anything. We were allowed to share this information, I was about to post it but she was faster, that's it.

    And as I stated in my previous comment, you can expect more, not only shop update.


    About your question why are we behind. We are new version, it is only 3 months since we opened first server. Why are we starting from zero ? China was there too, only few ninja, only few functions and features. I don't understand why it should be different for English or any other version.


    All I am going to say is (and this is the last time) :

    - Shop update will be hitting our version in next 2 weeks, we won't share what shops and what ninjas we will add.
    - There is really high chance that except shop update, you will be able to see more than that. What is it ? Well, who knows ? : )
From what you said it looks like not every shop will be updated what is very sad.( I hope I am wrong.) And I really dont believe that you dont understand why this or any other version should start updated, its all about money thats it... Maybe it isnt smart to launch full updated version too, but what is doing oasgames is just greed , we will never catch up chinese version with this progression. This game can run only because Naruto is a very popular franchise
Quicky Post

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