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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 40
  • Posts: 18
On 2016-10-20 06:29:18Show All PostsDescending Order
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Source: Instance (lvl 30, 40, 60 Elite Instance, Chapter 2 Plot Instance clearance);


Mystery: Crystal Ice Mirrors
Increase attack and Ninjutsu by 40% for ninjas with the Water attribute from your team as well as your own dodge rate by launching a barrier. When used again, cause Ninjutsu damage against up to four enemy bodies and Low Float to the selected enemy.
CD: 3 rounds
Battlefield CD: none
Chakra use: 20
Additional status: Low Float

Standard: Taijutsu Attack
Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of a Triple Combo and Low Float.
Passive: Compassion
Increase damage done by Haku by 30% but Haku cannot kill enemies.
Chase: A Thousand Needles of Death
Chase and attack the Repulsed enemy and cause Low Float

Mystery: Crystal Ice Mirrors
Increase attack and Ninjutsu by 40% for ninjas with the Water attribute from your team as well as your own dodge rate by launching a barrier. When used again, cause Ninjutsu damage against up to four enemy bodies and Low Float to the selected enemy.
CD: 3 rounds
Battlefield CD: none
Chakra use: 20
Additional status: Low Float

Standard: Taijutsu Attack
Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of a Triple Combo and Low Float.
Passive: Compassion
Increase damage done by Haku by 40% but Haku cannot kill enemies.
Chase: A Thousand Needles of Death
Chase and attack the Repulsed enemy and cause Low Float
Passive: Acupuncture Ice Needle
Cause acupuncture to the receiver of critical attack.

My thoughts:
Ah, the original trap. Haku is really scary tbh. He has a lot of damage with 2 sources of % damage increases. The downside of not being able to kill can be bypassed by using attack reset on kill characters (Zabuza, how convinient) or just let their Kabuto kill them lol. Outstanding for Water mains Tailed Beast Invasion efforts.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts about the ninja.

This post was last edited by Ywan at 2016-10-20 00:33
Quicky Post

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