What do you mean servers are dying? I agree it is if there are not enough people to do sage war but other than that. I don't think it's a bad thing. I and some other have explained why it's best to be in less competitive servers. But I'll say it again, this time with pictures.

Most of none jounin players either pay 1 time for gaara or don't pay anything at all as far as I know. Yes I admit GNW in our server are no longer competitive. We beat the other rival and their core players ran to another server just to start over again.
Now compare my server which is s86 to a very competitive and full of people, s6.

Can you see the different? If you are from f2p community I doubt you will ever be able to get ur name up there. Also look at the level and power. We are months behind s6 but we're almost catch up to them and will catch up soon. Then when the merge come, guess who gonna stay at the bottom? Yes the f2p community from crowded servers. Each server resource is like a big pie. Everyone want them but the resources will alway remain unchange no matter how many players in there.
So my advice for you and other f2p, p2p, p2w out there. If you want to be competitive in GNW, join the first 30 servers. If you don't want to be that much competitive and need time to stack your resource, join the newer. If your server can't start sage because lack of people. Leave and join another one instead of waiting and complain. You are asking for merge but you don't know that what u are demand right now can really affect other. For example : Me, I'm gonna be heavy affected if they listen to your cry and actually merge servers too soon. Same thing for players in newer servers.
Anyone who know what they're doing will play and prepare for the merge. Have fun collect your resource now. Make friend with everyone in your server because they will be ur ally when the merge come.
TL;DR : It's people who are complain about the merge without knowing what they're doing are the one that killing the f2p community. Stop talking like you are represent a whole community just because your server have less competitive GNW and want more drama with it.
This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-20 04:07