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On 2016-10-17 17:34:47Show All Posts
About your stamina just use it for sweeps now, soon you'll start needing stuff like awakening materials and such which will also need some minor farming. Mostly now just pick a couple ninjas to sweep for frags and the rest for materials to upgrade stuff or just exp.

If you can get 720 coupons in the next two days from all the milestone rewards and such you might wanna pick up Iruka from the current event at 20% discount otherwise just save up till another event with good returns comes along.

Group contribution should only be used in one thing, upgrading your group skills. The first 5 that raise your basic stats are the ones that give the most power in return so I'd focus on those first. Wasting contribution on Lucky Wheel is not worth it unless you already max your skills.

While your group skills are low it's a far better investment to use your coins to donate to your group daily and level them up with that contribution and spending the leftovers to strengthen a bit or spend them for materials and frags on the Black market.

As a Water Main you definitely want 3 star Haku and Tenten for the 9tails event. Hinata and Sasuke are also very popular choices for pvp once they hit 2 and 3 stars respectively.

As for the shops from Arena you might want Kurenai, from Ranked Sai and Kakuzu, from Group Kisame and Survival you want pretty much everyone but Lee. Tobi's great at the moment although will get nerfed at some later point, Kabuto is very useful and Suigetsu is amazing for Water Main 9tails teams.

Just a side note do not expect to have a universal team, different modes in this game call for different kind of teams and builds. So you're gonna be using a different team for PvP, a different one for ranked, a different one for 9tails, another for Strong Approaching(lvl 43+ instance) etc.
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On 2016-10-17 17:49:40Show All Posts
Those bonus frags you're describing were first time clearance rewards. In elite instances sweep and manual are the same thing, on Plot ones you get more coins if you manual and pick up everything in the map but noone does that(at least that I know of :P )

As for iruka I'd say wait till you have the full amount needed, since events are the only way to get frags for him now there's little benefit to having like half of them. The base price is standard, what is random is if they will appear with a 0, 10 or 20 % discount. So if you go for him refresh till you get 20% off.

This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2016-10-17 17:51
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-17 18:07:38Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-17 17:58:20
  • More awesome info, thank you.

    So sweeps do give you as much as manually running the instance? Or is there a minor loss to compensate for the instant speed of a Sweep?
    Also, am I right in thinking that (providing I am able to complete them) using Stamina for the Main Plot is better than farming the materials?

    Ah good to know the value is fixed for buying Iruka. If I manage to get the extra 433 coupons I'll use them on him then.

    What is or when will the 9Tails event happen? Is it something I should prioritise or something that there's a fair bit of time before it happens?

    I totally get different teams for different situations. I worded my primary goal badly, I meant that I want to have sufficient ninjas to do each thing, whether it be a singular team or a completely different team for each thing.

    Thanks again for all the info
If you have instances in Main plot you have not completed then yes, it's definitely better to do those instead of farming stuff since they always come with a quest and quite a lot of exp if that's what you meant. If you meant sweeping Elite vs Plot then it's mostly what you need. I always do my Elite sweeps first to upgrade the ninjas I have decided are a "priority" like my Haku and Orochimaru and then move to Main Plot to farm materials for upgrading and awakening. If I get all I need there too I return to Elites and get some frags for some of my secondary ninjas. It doesn't mean that is what's best though, we all play this game differently so see what you like more and go for it!

The 9tails Invasion is a timed event that happens daily except Wednesday and Saturday at 20:10 server time. In short for 40 minutes you fight Kurama for a few turns before he kills you, you ressurect and do it all over again until time runs out or you kill it(damage is ofc *ulative from every single person participating). It awards coins, exp, a magatama and some coupons based on your damage and overall ranking. Since Kurama is immune to debuffs and combo conditions like low Float, Knockdown etc teams are focused on stat boosting, single target damage and chases that activate with x number of hits (like tenten's) This post was last edited by Wolfedood at 2016-10-17 18:25
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On 2016-10-17 18:25:56Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2016-10-17 18:19:01
  • As a f2p Ninetails is something you should prioritise. Not yet for u but soon when your server can kill him, the rewards is huge. For me it's normally around 1m coin, ~450k exp and at least 25 coupon per ninetails.
    Ninetails start at 20:10 server time on mon, tue, thu, fri, sun.
good catch, I mixed the times with Sage :L This post was last edited by Wolfedood at 2016-10-17 18:27
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On 2016-10-17 18:31:35Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-17 18:21:34
  • I was meaning more what has now been cleared up with plot instances giving you some extra coins for picking up the treasures and purses vs sweeping them.

    I shall * to Main Plot > Frag Farm > Material Farm then with the Stamina use.

    I shall give the 9Tails event a try then. Do you have any idea what team comp from the ninjas I have would work best?

    Would it be something like Haku, Main, Sakura, Hinata? For the Haku water buff on all except Hinata?
instead of Hinata I'd go with Naruto for the clones. Kurama uses a standard attack that hits the whole front column on rounds 1 and 3 which at your level will most probably kill whoever is there instantly so it's good to have clones there. On round 2 he will either use Exploding Hell which will damage the whole team or Roar which will lower your stats but do no damage. On Round 4 he wipes everyone. Also he's weak to all 5 elements and Naruto has a Wind damage mystery so he does extra damage with it This post was last edited by Wolfedood at 2016-10-17 18:33
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On 2016-10-17 18:57:21Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-17 18:38:20
  • Ah okay. Very useful info I'd have had no idea about :D

    I assume since you want the clones on the front line it'd be something like
somewhat but not quite. Another useful piece of info is the mark on your skill descriptions. Think of a battle split into 2 segments. In the first one the AI goes through your whole team in the Move Order you've put them(and the opposing team) and executes all the skills with the mark on them. On the second segment it starts from the top again and now executes their standard attacks or skills without again in the move order they are. If you check haku's skill(and every other skill that generates a field) that they are not a skill which means it'll go during the standard attack "segment" and after your main has attacked. So you want Haku to be ideally at Move order 1 or at least before any of your Water units.

The formation I'd use is:

Naruto haku x
Main x x
Sakura x x

On round 1 you activate Haku's barrier, on Round 2 you use Shark Bomb if that's unlocked, I don't remember what level that one opens. If not you go for Naruto's Mystery. Round 3 either the main's poison skill if Shark Bomb is not unlocked or Sakura's heal if it is and when Sakura starts using her standard attack activate haku's field again(the second one is a one) which should damage Kurama right before the round changes. On round 4 activate Haku's barrier again if he's alive, and use whatever is off cooldown after the barrier launches
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On 2016-10-19 04:17:46Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-19 04:04:52
  • Well I've just experienced my first 9Tails event...

    I survived to round 4 a few times, I kept wiping from the Exploding Hell before round 3.

    I used the rotation you gave. Just to clarify, is the Sakura heal used in order to remove the debuffs from the Roar or purely to heal the party if they are damaged?

    Additionally, I swapped Haku and Naruto's position part way through, since it keeps Haku ahead of all the water ninja, he still can get his field up before they attack, and that way he managed to live through to round 4 in order to put up the field again.

    In every instance where I made it to round 4 for the Tailed Beat Bomb. Haku died at the end of round 3 from the normal attack since the clone in front of him was always gone by then.

    Is there something in particular that dictates whether 9Tails does the claw slam after round 2 or the roar instead? Or is it just random?

    By the end of the event, 9Tails was down to x18 health bars, about half way through that bar. ~102000000/122604581

    I'm assuming the buffs at the top are a waste until I'm actually doing enough damage myself for the extra damage to be worth anything.
    Oh and as for rewards, not sure how easy it is to gauge how much I did based on knowing this; I for 36229 coin 12614 EXP 10 Coupons and 1 level 2 defense Magatama. And just after typing that I noticed the Ranking *on so here's that:

    Also I read that Haku's buff is bugged and doesn't boost the party at 2*, but fixes when you upgrade him to 3*. Do you know if this is correct? I'm not sure how old the info I read was, so it could easily have been fixed since.
    I'm working up upgrading anyway, just wondering if it is bugged at 2*
    This post was last edited by PJP2810 at 2016-10-19 04:07
Congrats on your first 9tails!

Yeah Haku is rumored to be bugged at 2*, haven't tested it myself but I haven't seen anyone saying the opposite yet. Didn't wanna take the chance xD

This early I dunno how important those buffs are, I only started using them after we could kill it at my server and by then they play a big role. However after a week or two I'd say it's good to use them, the 30k won't be nearly as "much" as they are now.

Also there's no way to tell if it's gonna be Roar or Exploding Hell on round 2 as far as I know. Good call on that Haku reposition.

Just keep in mind that our class is a late bloomer, especially on 9tails. Without that 3* Haku and Tenten we lag behind quite a bit since our toolkit is geared towards pvp. Keep working on it and you'll see your damage skyrocket then :P
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On 2016-10-19 06:30:03Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-19 05:47:20
  • Thanks! :D

    Well I just got the Tenten Elite Instance, so I'll have the (I assume 1* version) of her soon.

    Good to know it'll skyrocket :D

    Also, with the PvE set up I've been using;

    When I read the positioning of the ninja they had Sasuke in the top left instead. I moved him forward to push a clone behind Sakura to keep Naruto's buffed attack. As far as I can see the only downside of this is Sasuke having 1 less clone to clock an attack for him. I was wondering if you had any insight on why the standard thing is to have him 1 further back? (Also this way he's further up in the order for getting his Mystery off) I did think it could be due to skill changes at higher *s but that's a shot in the dark.
Sasuke is a rather squishy ninja so he's usually somewhere where he's somewhat protected. However on 3* his Mystery becomes a field effect one, much like Haku's, which means the lower his move priority the lower the chance his Field will get overwritten by an opponent's field. Especially as your server progresses you'll see a great many deal of people using a 3* Sasuke+Hinata combo, with Tobi getting added to the mix even further down the line.
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On 2016-10-22 04:54:30Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-22 04:09:53
  • Just did my second 9Tails. Missed the first 20mins and forgot to put it on x2 speed for the majority of it.

    But still managed to get:

    I have TenTen now, still working on getting Haku up to 3*

    We managed to get him to x15 HP Bar at around 90000000 left. Any idea how long it'll likely be before he actually die?
For our server it took a month minus a few days. It greatly depends on the level of activity, and the amount of people spending money on power ups so there's no good estimate that works everywhere. But a month I think is the closest to it.
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On 2016-10-30 07:58:50Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-10-30 07:23:06
  • So I've just gotten Suigetsu from the Survival Shop.

    I managed to get Sai and have been using him to replace Naruto in the 9 Tails instance. I've read that Suigetsu is also good for 9Tails Water Main teams.

    Do you have any suggestions/advice for who to swap out for Suigetsu?
    I was thinking it'd be Sai (providing my team can live through the attacks which I'm not sure if they can yet).
    Is it worth swapping Tenten out for Suigetsu? Should I wait til my team can tank and then swap out Sai? or is Sai just better than Suigetsu for this?

    I assume once my team can live through it themselves, I could move the team forward so the clones hide in the back for extra damage.

    Do you have any idea/advice?

    Here are all the Ninja I have;

    I'm putting them all since I did read somewhere that Guy is also good for 9Tails, but IDK how good compared to others

    This post was last edited by PJP2810 at 2016-10-30 07:26
    This post was last edited by PJP2810 at 2016-10-30 07:26
I'm unclear on who the 4th is in your current team but either way without 3* Haku Water teams are not as good as they can be. Once you upgrade haku Se7ens above described exactly the team and rotation I was using that was landing me in the top 10 as Water.

Before you upgrade Haku, since you now have Guy, you can try the Guy/Kakashi/Sasuke rotation. It won't deal as much as it would if you were Lightning or Wind but it's still a hard hitting early team.
Round 1 raise Sasuke's field, Round 2 use Kakashi and Guy, Round 3 Main and after the lightning ninjas attack use Kirin, round 4 put field back up and use Kakashi's mystery

At your level you should be able to survive if you're using Anbu support with water clone at the front
Edit: Which I forgot isn't unlocked yet...well Kakashi clone will protect you for one turn and you should be able to survive exploding hell but you might lose a ninja on round 4 :\

If you find that you need a team that can survive more you c*so try Guy/GNW Kiba/tenten with Akamaru up front. It's by no means a great team but it should do decent damage with two chases and a Tai buff. Either way once you get Haku to 3* you're dropping those

This post was last edited by Wolfedood at 2016-10-30 08:12
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