Choza Akimichi
Source: Events | Seal Treasures
Mystery: Super Expansion Jutsu - Cause Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage against up to 4 enemy bodies and Knockdown to the selected targets.
~Cooling Time: 2 Rounds~Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Round~Chakra Use: 40~Additional Status: Knockdown
Standard: Expansion Jutsu - Attacks the front enemy and has a chance of Triple Combo and Knockdown.
Passive: Akimichi Secret - Recovery - Increase attack and defense whenever received a Healing Rate.
Passive: Chakra Swallowing - When a unit recover 10% of life, your entire lineup will also recover life. (This might be a desc
ription error. What it does is that it heals himself everytime you gain chakra, not the entire team.)
Chase: Spiky Human Boulder - Chase and Attack the Low Floated enemy and cause Knockdown.
Opinion: Non-prompt Mystery | Tank | Suits with Healer Ninja team composition | Front line ninja
*Please leave a comment with your thoughts about the ninja.
This post was last edited by Sanamabits at 2016-10-20 18:01