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[ Strategy Share ] [Strategy Collection] Crimson Fist - Suigetsu, the ultimate weapon.


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On 2018-08-19 01:36:31Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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A little bit of a comeback guide to the scene.

I've been gone for a long while so im unfamiliar with how everything has shifted.

However I did experiment a little bit and came across a nice team, it's pretty fun to use as well.

Suigetsu + Crimson Fist, is the core of the team. Everything else is very open to your own needs

Required Ninjas

Suigetsu, Crimson Fist,



Knockdown to High Float:

Karin, Neji, Shizune, Kabuto, etc

Low Float to High Float:

Tsunade, Temari, Tayuya, etc.

Required Summons

Eight Span Bird (illusion crow kinda works)



Crimson Fist Talents



Choices of Talents and Ninjas Explaination

The thought behind this team was to utilize Suigetsu and abuse the fact that he's an extremely good assasin. He has a tag ability to hone down single targets, and the fact that he can attack twice has saved me countless times. Crimson Fist acts as a support in this build to give Suigetsu a bonus attack and to create shields to increase survivability.

When using Eight Span Bird, the max combo would be 7, and there would only be 3 ways to initiate it. Suigetsu's mystery, auto attack, and Tsunade's auto attack. However, any of these 3 activations will trigger the complete 7 hit combo. I will discuss more triggers later on.

Tag is a debuff which weakens the enemy's defence and resistance by 20% (maybe 30% according to まだまだ). (Correct me if this has changed since I last played)

by tagging someone before or during a combo, damage against the target is amplified. Which is why i call Suigetsu an ultimate assasin.

Suigetsu also has some decent survivability thanks to his increased evasion rate, it has come in clutch a few times, allowing him to survive at low hp. Then depend fully on the Crimson Fist shields as my healers slowly bring him back to full hp.

In the formation I have above, I chose Kabuto, and Tsunade, as the modular components to have more heals. When using Crimson Fist's mystery, every ninjas gets +1 Standard attack. This means that Crimson Fist will generate TWO stacks of shields, Suigetsu can attack THREE times, Kabuto and Tsunade can heal TWO time each. Both Kabuto and Tsunade can heal 2 ninjas at a time. Some simple math would show that in that one turn, Up to 8 Heals are conducted.

Low float to Highfloat ninjas:


When using a team that has Tsunade on it, I try to keep Tsunade's ba

se hp as the lowest on the team. That way assasin skills and auto players will target her first. Tsunade has a MASSIVE rack % based heal, which allows her to stay alive after taking some hits. Theoretically, she would be targetted by auto player's mystery skill, those skills would first have to break through shields generated by Crimson Fist, but they would still target her. Eventually the dmg will affect her hp, but once it does so, she can heal and restart. Basically, if the enemy is playing auto, the mystery skills should always be targetting her instead of any other ninjas.

I havent used Tayuya that often, but she does carry a curse mark. and if you've read my other tips and tricks post. Kabuto can abuse those curse marks and inflict damage on her to boost her ninjutsu. With the +1 standard attack from crimson fist. Kabuto can boost her ninjutsu twice in that one turn. She's capable of adding some CC(crowd control) in the form of sleep. she c*so attack multiple targets. If fights last long she becomes an extremely scary weapon near the late rounds. With massive boosts to her ninjutsu, her mystery skill is capable of taking out the last remaining ninjas TWO at a time.

Knockdown to Highfloat ninjas:
Kabuto is used as an extra set of heals, and he's there for some stalling. Generating clones to mitigate enemy standard attacks. If they happen to survive, the clones can gain +1 standard attacks as well. They c*so benefit from the shields, which CAN POTENTIALLY act as another ninja considering how powerful the shield gets and how many times they can attack collectively. There's space for 5 extra clones, if they all gain 1 bonus attack, that's 10 standard attacks + 3 from Suigetsu and +2 from Tsunade.

Neji in any form (regular or great ninja war), is capable of Acupuncture. This is especially useful when you're against stronger opponents which can literally wipe your team with their mystery skills. People like Hidan, or Kakuzu. Having Neji instead of Kabuto also means more damage because Neji can become a trigger to the 7 hit combo I spoke of. The great ninja war Neji is also capable of evading many more standard attacks, attacking as a more effective stall compared to Kabuto's clones.

This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2016-10-15 07:40
This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2016-10-15 07:41 This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2016-10-15 07:43 This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2017-1-5 06:56 This post was last edited by ProtoZero at 2017-1-5 06:56

This post was last edited by ProtoZero on 2018-08-19 01:36:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-15 08:41:37Show this Author Only
I like the idea behind the formation. Suigetsu's tag combo with the main's passive can really bring in the damage that many earth teams lack.
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On 2016-10-15 10:19:56Show this Author Only
I love the idea behind this too! I was worried about th eproblem of reaching round ten, but since you have two healers the chances of having the lowest hp is slim. I shall give this a go!
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On 2016-10-15 10:55:41Show this Author Only
I'm pretty sure tag is 30% and not 20%
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On 2016-12-28 03:28:22Show this Author Only
Hey i just got to ask even though it would mess up the combo a bit but what about Kimimaro i have a 5 star version of him and Kabuto so far and am in the process of getting Suigetsu to 5 stars as well would he be good in this as well? This post was last edited by jef*** at 2016-12-27 12:29
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On 2017-01-04 15:17:26Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-28 03:28:22
  • Hey i just got to ask even though it would mess up the combo a bit but what about Kimimaro i have a 5 star version of him and Kabuto so far and am in the process of getting Suigetsu to 5 stars as well would he be good in this as well? This post was last edited by jef*** at 2016-12-27 12:29
i dont see the connection
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On 2017-01-04 15:25:27Show this Author Only
Idk about this, especially on my server, but i always like well-explained setups insteadof just "dis is imba team, OP!!one!1"
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On 2017-01-05 06:55:13Show this Author Only
  • Praise Jashin On 2017-01-04 15:25:27
  • Idk about this, especially on my server, but i always like well-explained setups insteadof just "dis is imba team, OP!!one!1"
thanks, all my guides are in this format if you would like to check out my others as well
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On 2017-01-10 17:48:38Show this Author Only
I Don't Have Tsunade Yet. :(:(
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On 2017-01-13 21:57:36Show this Author Only
  • Suzaku K On 2017-01-10 17:48:38
  • I Don't Have Tsunade Yet. :(:(
There are other options as mentioned per the guide. E.g. Tayuya, Temari. Anyone who can turn lowfloat into highfloat might be a valid option for combos
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On 2017-01-15 07:11:50Show this Author Only
:P Nice Combo!
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On 2017-01-27 13:55:33Show this Author Only
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On 2017-02-02 05:29:01Show this Author Only
But is the cake Moist?!
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On 2017-02-06 13:22:58Show this Author Only
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On 2017-06-01 21:24:21Show this Author Only
how about kakashi?
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On 2017-06-05 19:18:03Show this Author Only
better use neji suigetsu and guy
i used that when i was lvl 30 to lvl 70 it worked nice
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On 2017-07-09 10:04:21Show this Author Only
can i use kakashi
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