2016-10-15 19:05:11
I fail to see your point,you keep saying that and trying to prove he is not broken but you lying to yourself making the other chars sound more overpowered than they really are,as I said before earth only has that shield,fire is the most used char if you take all the servers in consideration..I get it you like the char but seriously you must be kidding with what you just said.
I love Fire Main, do not get me wrong, I faithfully stay with him from beggining of the game, but it slowly loses his usefulness because of Earth and Lght. Earth has not ONLY shield, but also Strong Armor, and immunity to damage in first round. Fire Main has crappy first line of passives except Genjutsu Mirror, which you can replace with some characters like Kurenai, Kakashi BS, or Ningendo.
I personally do not find any character especially overpowered, BUT if anything Earth is definitely more useful than Fire late game.
As said above, I am talking ONLY about late game, because early game Earth is crap, fire is 2nd best. It's at 70s that Earth starts to win against all other characters.
And as for making some chars sound more overpowered... people on this forum do that to Fire Main and Tobi all the time xD