Survival it's a very challenging thing to do at Naruto.
This morning i set up a team of 12 ninjas from lvl 37 to 39
Manage to pass instances 1 to 9 without great trouble.
I recognize team at the 10th stage was quite hard.
So i setted up my Hinata (4) , Karin (3), Sakura (6) and Kurenai (5).
And i centered before i killing his main earth, but neji was protecting and was a very hard fight, also kabuto was cloning himself, healing, hitting me (a real pain) and the three of them were getting the extra healing of their sakura.
But Hinata managed to shield good, kurenai was setting shields of life just on time for hinata to recover taijitsu shield, karin trying to do her thing, but neji was cutting up his poison till hinata finished him,and sakura giving a good extra healing.
Thing is Fight was epic, but with all the healing after my team finished with Neji.
Healing was coming and coming while finishing with kabuto, his earth main, and finally sakura.
So i manage to pass to level 11 of survival with a healthy team.
Till i was ready to set up and i got the screenshoot of this post.
All my greatest heroes were defeated in the most unfair way i could imagine.