2016-11-04 03:17:58
exam lvl 105, there is video on youtube, guy from s1 Animezis did it yesterday with earth main...look for him if u want to see team and what to do
my 105 lvl exam team :

interupt light main and then sage naruto on ningendo, he must die first, then light main and zabuza
i dont remember this part but hinata was using her mystery 2nd round to absorb their basic attacks
I used this party as well, but i had to put Naruto in the front row between Main and Hinata, because otherwise Ningendo attacks first.
Talents: 1-3-3-2-2
Summon: Dog of Hell
First round interupt Lightning main with your main skill. Use Hinata mystery after you get chakra back from Sage Naruto. If your Hinata gets paralyzed retreat and try again.
Second round: Use Naruto mystery on Ningendo and interupt him. Kimimaru should be dead this round. Focus the rest on the lightning main and its an easy finish.
My power was around 34k for this one.