If your not having fun cause a "dictatorship" as you claim then a server merge won't solve anything. Here's why, there will be another strong group or perhaps even more. The strongest groups typically survive the longest. Your going to play the game a different way or join the strongest group. If you can't beat them, join them. The game forces us to compete. If you care about winning you going to have to get stronger then them or hope they quit.
On server s24 despite our population declining 3 groups have been the winner of group war. 4 but one group had to reform due to an inactive leader but that doesn't count. My point is there's different ways and reason we play. Some of us play to compete, others for naruto and the rest of us for the friends we made in game. Being the strongest or standing a chance in 1 event is expensive. So unless your willing to become the next Oragiri don't bother. Just enjoy the game and the people in it or move on to a different server or game. Don't wait for the developers do something for you, it will be too late by then.