It's not a * question, it's just not that great; no one team will get you all the way through every day. Having different control, damage, debuff/combo, tank, and all-around teams would be good so you c*e the one that works best against the opponent; for example, against Hinata don't use Lee; and against Shizune or water main use Sakura. The only team that I wouldn't go for is a pure stall because after 10 rounds you lose your entire team and a lot of times you have to reset.
Also, if I were you I'd just pick 11 ninja (+ main) that can be organized into teams but are also versatile, like if you use Team 7 (Kakashi/Sakura/Sasuke/Naruto0 and you lose Kakashi eary you have the ability to replace him, with, say, Hinata. Choosing only 11 is basically also your ranked team and it saves on cultivation/awakening materials.