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[ Ninja Exam ] [Ninja Exam] Ninja Exam lvl 85


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-10 16:52:11Show All PostsDescending Order
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Yo I just won ninja exam lvl 85 and like to share what strategy i used in it.

Note : 1.This guide probably works for all of the mains (fire , earth , wind , light , water) but you gotta figure out which summon that fits your main's skills and the ninjas i'm gonna sort below.
2. Dont use any interruption mastery/Attack in your main or this guide wont work.

I used Guy first move , Hinata 2nd move , Scarlet 3rd move , Tobi 4th move

Tobi X Guy
X X Hinata
X Scarlet X

Talent :
Mastery = Second mastery (Dragon flame jutsu)
Attack = Second attack ( Fire style flame jutsu)
Passive = 1. Third passive (Fire style celestial prison)
2. Third passive (Enchantment of fire style ninja)
3. First passive (Oboro clone jutsu)
Summon= Ninja cat (Changes Repulse to High Float)

Note : I made this tactic myself and tried it when i reached 74 , After I won the exam i searched on yt and found the same tactic that won it at lvl 65, so it should be easy for everyone to win this exam with this strategy * link *

Round 1 :
Just use Hinata's master and wait till Oboro Clone hits Orochimaru so your combo starts on the first round
if the combo didnt start because he may resist it, retreat and try again.

Round 2 :
Once Round 1 Finishes , Spam guy's mastery so you block Orochimaru's mastery, Then use Tobi's Mastery and wait till the round ends, he should be dead by this round.

Round of waste : he will die in this round, lol. so dont use any mastery

Round 3 : Manda gets summoned to the field. Now use Tobi's mastery and Scarlet's mastery as well. Guy's mastery should have 1 round cd in the current round.
Round 4 : Use Guy's Master to cancel Manda's debuff, Use Scarlet's master too. manda now should use its Tail to attack , If one of your ninjas dies by this attack , manda will not attack again unlike when it uses its Biting attacks.
Round 5 : Use Tobi's mastery, After that Manda will take you to a small trip into its stomach. After u get out of it u will recieve 1 Bite and some ninjas might die, if Hinata is still alive use her Mastery for more swag. Manda should be dead after that (cant handle hinata's swag)

Hope that it wasnt a boring guide :D

This post was last edited by DarkSiderSZ at 2016-10-10 17:00
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-13 17:44:40Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-13 10:57:43
  • hm...I have mine getting killed by the acid inside O.o
    Then the ones that don't die...die from the tail swipe outside.
    Leaving only Tobi to kill the snake(which he has failed to to lol left it at 5hp)

    But overall it's good! Farthest I've gone.
    Might just need a tiny help in power :D

oh lol bro , well i knew something like that would happen to other people bcoz it didnt attack me while i was inside of the snake , thats why i gave the link of youtube! :D u can check it. and as i said i won it at lvl 74 with around 22k power or something in that team, but some can win it with even less power like 20k
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-27 01:58:34Show All Posts
  • xNicoleBabyx On 2016-10-23 18:15:20
  • it dosnt go below 2k for me
are you sure that u are doing the steps in the deep details? otherwise it will kill u even before it reaches 9k
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-17 17:32:46Show All Posts
nice, happy that it helped ^.^
Quicky Post

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