2016-10-09 02:03:53
IF it does come then it could be a month from now, 6 months or even a year. I personally am going to keep using my Tobi in the meantime because I really enjoy having him in my teams. Now is that a "bad investment"? I don't think so. The only bad investment in my opinion is the one people do to themselves by following the words of a person who isn't affiliated with the staff in any way and acts as if his words are that of a god. This post was last edited by Reignal at 2016-10-9 02:05
Funny, it's usually the unaffiliated player's tips and tricks that helps out the most. If you enjoy a character, then play it, no one is telling you to stop or follow what I say.
Heck, I didn't even say he was a bad investment in the first place. Lmao.
This post was last edited by the***@live.com at 2016-10-9 04:25