2016-10-17 13:25:03
Hey just saw this earlier and wanted to know If this team is good it's kind of like yours but in the way of the swordsman kind though? Also don't mind the stats I'm going to get them ready later.
Unfortunately that's inferior to the standard Main/Guy/Kimi/Sasuke build - you just leave out way too many potential damage bonuses there.
Your main's mystery has no chasers to knockdown and you have three chases that end in LF, and only one LF chaser (your summon).
The biggest issue though are your buffs. The longer a fight goes on, the worse off a lightning main does. With the normal Main/guy/kimi/sasuke build you are looking at up to 80% buffs to kimi and guy (due to Enhancement of Lightning Style and Sasuke's Mystery) and 100% buffs to Sasuke and the Main (since they have those 80% plus Root of Warrior). Your build? 60% for Kisame and the Main. Thats it
Those buffs aren't counting the Guy buffs, which are a bit hard to tabulate.
So you trade 360% in total buffs (amongst your whole party) for 120%. Let that sink in, you are losing 240% in damage potential.
Sasuke also has the same chase causes as Kisame (Knockdown and Low Float) and more chases, meaning more combos.
If you are adamant on using Kisame with lightning, ok. Just slot in Sasuke in Kimi or Guy's place. It won't be super optimal, but your overall damage will improve. You'll have three ninjas taking advantage of Root of Warrior and Killing Intent, and Sasuke will also buff your main, himself and Kimi/Guy by another 40%.