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[ Bugs ] Seven-Day Competition PROBLEM


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
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On 2024-08-19 14:22:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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In the Seven-Day competition weekly event, we get 2 tickets each day to use in ranked arena. We get rewards whether we win or lose these matches. Okay, this is a good idea for an event.

Now, the problem / bug: The ranked arena system matches work in a strange way. I suspect people are matched against other players in their own ranking. So, if I reached the six-paths rank before this event is even announced, then it's a BIG PROBLEM. Because most people who reach six-paths level don't need to do any more ranked arena, since they already reached the highest level.

So, I look for a ranked battle for a very long time and no match ever comes up. And I can't use the tickets. Thus, you just made a good event into a completely useless and unplayable event!

Please change it so it works like arena zenith. If I sit here waiting and waiting and no opponent comes up, then give me a win. Otherwise, I'm sitting here all day and no match comes up! Thanks.


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
  • Posts: 14
On 2024-08-21 12:56:43Show All Posts

Thank you for your comment but I disagree with your opinion. This is a game DESIGN FLAW, which is much closer to being a bug than a "bit inconvenient". A very similar problem existed in Zenith Arena, before Oasis fixed it to what I suggested above.

This is a legitimate problem that should be fixed. Otherwise, the game is punishing the user just for reaching the rank of six paths.

Quicky Post

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